
Will be thinking of you this week Kelly. Let us know how the last one makes you feel emotionally.

Did attempt a private message but think it went terribly wrong!!

Big hugs

Carly x

Hi Carly,

thats really nice of you, much apprectiated! I’m really quite nervous about tomorrow and not sure why. I should be skipping around!! Hopefully I wll be tomorrow, I’ll be sure to let you know.

Thanks again for thinking of me,

Take care,


hi kelly,
i was so chuffed to read you have your last chemo tommorow, you are so fantastic and give such great support on this site and you have been a great help to me through these horrendous weeks, hope you have a nice treat in store will be thinking about you
love galen xx

Hi Kelly,

I echo what Galen says.

You have been and Im sure you will continue to be a great support to me and all who need it on here. You really do make a difference.

Good Luck for 2morow.


Hi Kelly

I also ditto what Galen says, you have been a tower of strength to everyone on here, no matter what you are feeling or going through.

Good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you while getting ready to go for my chemo appointment, and yours will all be over … well done you though for getting through it and staying so strong and positive.

Be joining you on the old Herceptin soon I think … when do you start that do you know.

Take care

Stop it or you’ll have me in tears!!!

You are all so nice, my ‘cyber pals’.

Dawn - I am hoping to start my Herceptin at the beginning of Jan, I really want a decent break after rads and don’t really want it right on top of Christmas.

Thanks again for all your good wishes, you’re all awesome!!



Hi Kelly,
Just to also say I really wish you well for tommorow, and the girls are quite right in saying you are a great support to everyone, you certainly have been to me in the past weeks. Be thinking of you tommorow.