Private Health Care v NHS

I am after some advice please, my wife was diagnosed with BC in 2013, she has had chemo, rads and surgery all under BUPA, she just sees consultants etc now for checks.
My dilemma is that I have been offered a new job but the bupa will not recognise existing illness. BUPA will carry on cover but I assume this will expensive, I feel very guilty over this and am considering staying in a job i despise so it can carry on, just wondering if anyone else has swapped from BUPA to NHS and if it was ok ?

Hi, only one thing I can say about nhs is that without it and the wonderful dedicated staff a lot
Us wouldn’t be around right now. Can’t comment on private care so can’t answer your question

Hi Thanks for the reply, the NHS are brilliant I and my family have had excellent service from them, I guess it’s just because she started private and her nurse and the hospitals are BUPA, it will just be a big change for her that’s all

Hi Sovereign, my situation was similar. We had Bupa cover through my husband’s job and when I was diagnosed with BC 3 years ago opted to have surgery privately but did choose the NHS for chemo and rads,I don’t believe my treatment could have been any better. My husband was in a job he despised and the health insurance kept him tied to it after my diagnosis, however, we decided we couldn’t live our lives around cancer, bearing in mind I may have no further problems and 12 months ago he started a new job and is much happier. I know that should I need further treatment I will get the gold standard on the NHS, as will your wife. 


Good luck and be happy x

Hi Sovereign,
I can only echo comments written here already, but also add… Does your wife know how much you despise your job ? have you discussed the pros and cons of a possible move? At any health check appts has the stress of the last couple if years been reflected in your well being such as raised blood pressure? unhealthy choices such as comfort eating, or taking too much alcohol too numb the feelings around your job ?
As an Nhs worker i suspect the most obvious difference you may find would be less plush environments waiting for your appts, poss delays in clinic, and not always seeing the consultant.
Have you spoken with BUPA to see if you were to change employer - if they would definately no longer cover this part of your wifes care?
I do have a friend who due to a change in circumstances left private care, but “invests” in her health once a year for a private consultation with her consultant.
Have you and your wife been to any Moving Forward courses (breast cancer care) or Living
Well courses (Penny Brohn centre) where you may discuss this and other issues in a safe environment… not right or wrong, just options ?

Good luck with your discussions, health and progression thru your next stages of your lives together.


I have private Heath care and was all set to go down that route when diagnosed but NHS could see me and operate so much quicker and I would still have gone to the same dept for Radiotheraphy so stuck with NHS all through and could not fault my treatment, they were fantastic, I know a lady who started out down the private route but then switched as she wasn’t happy X Jo 

Thank you so much everyone, you have put my mind at rest