Private mammo/ultrasound ?


I have had all my treatment on the NHS but am thinking of having my next routine mammo and ultrasound private so that I dont have the awful wait for results.

Does anyone know how I go about this? Any tips also welcome.

You can phone any private hospital and ask for appt for mammos and ultrasound if you are paying for it yourself. I had my 1st year checkup mammos in June this year in a private hospital. After the mammos I was seen by a breast surgeon who had the mammos on a screen on her desk and she confirmed they were all clear. She then gave me a physical check up of my breast and under arm and while she was doing that she sent the mammos to the screen of the senior radiologist who did a 2nd confirmation immediately. I was in and out in about 40 mins. Mine was paid for by our medical insurance.

I thought I would have to get consultant to refer me or something. So if I can just ring up and get it done private, does that mean I still go for the nhs one too when the appt comes through? Or do I cancel it and tell them I had it done private? Will I then be taken off hosp list for future routine checks?

If your private mammogram and ultrasound are normal, I don’t see any point in saying anything to the NHS.

You’ve already paid for your NHS one; you might as well have it! Assuming the two aren’t too close together, of curse - isn’t there something about exposure to too much radiation in too short a space of time?



The private hospital will give you your mammo films to take to your NHS consultant. Cancel the NHS appointment and just take the films with you for your appointment with your consultant. That way you are still in the NHS system. Simpelss as th meerkat says.