Private scan without GP referral

I don’t know if this is the right place to start this thread but hope somebody may be able to answer my question. I am wondering if it is possible to get a private MRI scan without being referred by my GP.

I am eleven years down the line after being diagnosed with Grade 3 triple negative BC. I have been very lucky and have remained relatively well and without recurrence. I have had a couple of scares during that time and have had investigations which have come back clear. I have recently been feeling very tired and ‘under the weather’. I have also had a niggling cough and some nausea on and off. I have had these symptoms before and know that they might well be absolutely nothing but was told at diagnosis that I was at high risk of recurrence and I know that even after this length of time it is a real possibility.

My dilemma is this - I have some important decisions to make in my personal life and also at work which would be seriously affected by a return of my BC. I need to know fairly quickly if this is the case. Also I feel guilty about going to my GP again about something which may turn out to be nothing and I am also aware that I may be taking up appointment and investigation time unnecessarily which might be needed more urgently by others. What I really want to do is just go somewhere privately and get the answers I need without bothering anybody else. I know this will cost me but am quite prepared for that just don’t know if it can be done by self referral. Hope somebody out there might know the answer




Spire Healthcare (amongst others) offer MRI scans privately. You don’t have to be referred by your GP. Hope your worries turn out to be nothing!

Hi Anne,


You are the most important person in all of this. Please do not worry about bothering the GP or taking up time for tests. They’re all there to help you and to make sure that you are ok. The GP should be able to refer you back to your consultant. Or do you have the phone number of the breast clinic that you attended - you could always call a nurse there and talk to them about your concerns.


Its totally up to you if you wish to go private. I’m not sure about self-referral, but you can always ring a clinic and ask.


Wishing you all the best x