I’ve just come back from hospital having found a lump 3 weeks ago, the specialist told me she thinks it’s cancer but can’t give positive result until biopsy results come back. I was taken into another room and introduced to my nurse. Was at pains to tell them about the holiday I have booked, which they’ve told me to carry on with and will give me the results on my return. Is it just normal for them to prepare you for the worst or is it just a case of getting confirmation? So hard to process
Hi Geraldine, They are as honest as they can be with you and although the cannot be 100% certain until biopsy results come back they must feel it is highly likely to be cancer from what they have seen today, they told me mine looked ok but it did come back positive so they don’t always get it right! Definately go on holiday, it’s exactly what I wanted to do during the wait although didn’t with hindsight I wish I had! You will find details plenty of support her across the forum , we’ve been through the lot between us! Please let us know how things go Xx Jo
im 7 weeks in now and they said same to me, if im honest they dont usually say anything if not pretty certain so it does prepare you…i went back following week not wondering IF I had it but how far it was etc…next step will depend on what type it is etc, possible mri , more biopsies etc…i hope your results are good if not take a deep breath and take this week at a time…i am due double mastectomy may 11th invasive lobular, its been tough few weeks but i have got through, we all do…dont google too much i have done and its not helpful, each thing i knew about i prepared for next stage nothing more now…here if you need
take care
millie x
When they told me that I definitely had cancer and would need treatment, I had a two week trip to India booked. It was a belated honeymoon and although they offered me surgery a week or so before we were due to fly, I turned it down and went on the trip in one piece. I felt no urgency to get the tumour removed in haste. I figured a couple of weeks wouldn’t make a big difference as I’d probably been living with it for some time. The time away gave me a chance to prepare mentally and physically. The surgeons were fully supportive so, if the diagnosis comes back positive, talk to the team about your plans and see what they say. Everyone is different and you should do what feels right for you. Best of luck with it all xx
Help! I have had repeat mammogram today followed by ultrasound and biopsy. The doctor said she thought it is ‘nasty’ although only very small i.e. 2mms. She wouldn’t be drawn on what future treatment might be. I am going back for biopsy result in 10 days. The upcoming bank holiday delays results I understand.
This anomaly was detected on screening mammogram. I have no palpable lump or any other symptoms.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? What was your outcome?
I keep trying to be positive but am feeling so scared.
Hi Geraldine, this is the exact scenario I faced 12 weeks ago. It does take your breath away when the C word is mentioned. Unfortunately I’ve learned that if it is said, then they are pretty sure. Like you I had a holiday booked and was told to take it. Best thing I ever did! Sunshine, good food and plenty to keep me occupied, at least during the day. For me this was the worst period until my op. It’s just a waiting game for tests, appointments,results. Happy to say that my op was good, I had all my lymph nodes removed as they were affected, and my first session of chemo has gone well. Geraldine, if you haven’t already been told , if you have to have cancer,then BC is the one to have. Really! It’s very very treatable. Good luck. X
Hi Geraldine, I wish biopsy results will be in your favor. Take a deep breath and meanwhile make the most of holidays. Keep us updated!!
Great news!!