problem with my ALT!

HI I am post surgery, chemo,rads and was on Tamoxifen and Zoldex. In September was taking on Tamoxifen as ALT went up to 189! my new reading this week is 114 (still 3 times as high). I am not allowed TAmoxifen and the consultant prescribed me Provera to help me with SE from Zoladex. This could potentially cause further problems for my liver. Does anyone know of food etc that can be used to help protect the liver etc. My OH looked up milk thistle so will ask the surgeon when I see him. They must be a bit concerned as I need a blood test prior to seeing the surgeon.
Hope all is well with peoples



How are you getting on and what did your surgeon say about Milk Thistle?

Ann x

Hi Sharon2

Just to say that I had problems with liver bloods which were consistently high and it transpired after an ultrasound that I had lver cysts. They did settle and it was nothing to worry about.

Good luck


Jane x