problem with throat

i have recently finished radiotherapy, prior to that i had 4 sessions of chemo. The problem i have just now is a feeling like a lump in my throat, my gp has given me medication for acid in my stomach in case this is the cause, he has also given me medication in case it is thrush in the throat. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?I must admit it is driving me crazy as i feel i need to swallow all the time. Any advice much appreciated

Hi powergen

It could well be acid reflux, but I would suggest you speak with your onc team when they are available to discuss with them, they may want to do an ultrasound or similar to ensure it’s nothing to worry about, which it probably isn’t this close after chemo.

Take care and good luck


Just bumping up, incase anyone else can add to this thread


Hi powerjen

I finished my rads on dec 30th. i had 5 weeks of it but a after about 2 weeks i had a sore throat, it was really painful to swallow. i was told that because my collar bone was getting zapped aswell then the rads have probably just spread out and caught my throat. I was to garggle with soluable paracetamol. i’m fine now. Hope that helps a little.

Hi Powerjen,

I have one more rad to go and I too have the same symptons as you, feeling like you have a lump in your throat. I had the same problem with the chemo and had oral thrush three times. Mine I think is just acid reflux and I take ranitidine tablets twice a day, on the whole they work quite well. The lump in the throat feeling is a bit wired though and it did make me swallow more, problem is the more you think about it the worse you do it!

Gilly xx

Thanks for your advice everyone, i think i will speak to my breast cancer care nurse next week . I finished my rads on 22nd dec so it is early days, but the radiologist said the rads were not causing my symptoms because they were not near my oesophagus. The feeling of the lump in my throat is not sore but as the day goes on it becomes sore with all the swallowing .Does anyone think it could be anxiety? as i am being treated for depression just now.
Many thanks

hi, just to add some comments, I just finished rads 12th dec and a week before the end started having problems with burning throat like I had on chemo. Still getting this now and seeing doc tomorrow. Just glad I am not the only one to find this as its getting me down and worried.


Hi Powerjen

It could well be down to anxiety. There is a condition called Globus Hystericus which basically is the feeling of a lump in the throat and the sensation of not being able to swallow properly. It is caused by anxiety and as you have depression and depression and anxiety go hand in hand, it is highly likely to be this. Once your depression is under control, your anxiety should subside and this feeling go away.

Thanks fpr your comments Lynda and Cathy, over the past few days the feeling has improved, so here’s hoping. It could be that my anti depressant medication is kicking in, although i am still really tearful. This disease has a lot to answer for! It is strange that i feel so low now as really the worst is over i.e chemo and rads, all i have left now is herceptin, does anyone else out there feel low?