Problems post surgery

Hello friends, don’t know if this is the correct forum - so moderator, pl move, if necessary!! Not visited the forum since surgery as life difficult and NO energy. Sorry, folks.

MX, 1st Oct, discharged 2 days later with drains in situ - later removed. Few days after 2nd drain out developed what the surgeon descibes as ‘bog-standard’ infection - so antibiots for 2+ weeks and continuing DAILY visits to GP practice or walk-in surgery at w’ends. This can take up to 3hrs - gridlocked roads and waiting time, so pretty p… off with it all. London doesn’t ‘do’ district nurses if you are ambulant: latter meaning you can walk a short distance, even if you can;t make it back after they’ve poked and prodded you - BE WARNED!

However, y’day woke up with temperature and nurse found pus weeping out of wound. Had the beloved massaged my lymphatic cording too vigorously? Today, temp down but wound still weeping.

Any experience re lymphatic cording, massage etc?

On the bright side we’re going up to Suffolk next week and surgery there fixed daily appts and offered District Nurse at w’ends if needed!

One more question? Any one had any experience of Maggie’s Centres. There is one at Charing Cross but no-one told me about it - I simply nosied about at Outpatient Clinic 8 and found all these leaflets. BW

Hi BW,

My situation is very different as I live in rural Scotland and I can’t fault the treatment I had. Just bumping you up in the hope someone in your situation can respond.

Jan xx

hi BW…oh dear you sound like your going through it. I suffered with cording after my MX, i had pysio several times on it and it sorted it out. wasnt the most pleasant of experiences but it did work, it involved physio literately pulling and stretching the cords till they snapped. I didnt realise there were more than one, there were several and they did return so i had a few weeks of pysio. It was a bit uncomfortable but well worth it. stretching your arms yourself as much as you can safely do with your mx scar will also help. Ask to be referred to physio if you havnt been done so already, I hope i have helped you and your feeling better soon…pauline x