problems with zoladex

Have somebody got some problems with zoladex? My doctor said periods must to finish. I use zoladex 8 month every 4 weeks. I still have my periods.I would like to know how often I have to see my doctor (surgeron or onkologist I dont know which one are checing people after mastectomy in England). How it is in England? My mastectomy have been done on 23.08.2010.I am in England from 15.01.2010.Operation and chemo I did abroad. I am back from 15.03.2011. Untill this I met 1x just breast surgeron who did some invesigations. In country where I did operation and treatment, the first two years after treatment have to be examined (checked) four times per year by onkologist.Can somebody to give advice? I will be glad to hear some expierence.

Thanks a lot