Hi all. I was scrolling Facebook and came across a suggested site RenewYou cancer care. They sell products which they say are safer than usual for cancer patients and survivors. It came as a shock to see them claim essential oils can act as an endocrine disruptor as I use Olbas oil for my chronic rhinitis and some of the ingredients were on this site as a no no for er+ cancer survivors as they mimic estrogen! I am on Tamoxifen for 10 years so naturally I was a bit concerned about RenewYou’s claims however I could find no concrete evidence on this or any other reputable website that clove and peppermint oil or eucalyptus cause this harm. I left a comment on their page challenging their claims but they replied adamant they are true but to speak to my GP if I was worried about safety of using Olbas Oil. As I know he would not be able to advise me, I contacted Ask The Nurse but sadly had no reply. Does anyone here know of this site and how reputable their claims are or indeed what it is safe to use as a decongestant as I need something to clear my stuffy nose! TBH I am sick of this BC minefield of what I can and cannot do, eat, drink or take! It is soooo confusing…
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Hello Oldspice60 (?),
All this info - enough to send you around the bend - but only if you let it! You can do what you choose is best for you to do not what this and that website says, and at times with contradiction.
I just saw a claim that 97% of terminal cancers are caused by root canal treatment. Well, that’s me done for
then, and before the BC hit!
If it helps, Lavender and tree tea oils have been found to have effects similar to oestrogen after applying to skin over time. For this reason, the National Cancer Institute recommended avoiding these if one has breast cancer.
The only dangers I have heard specifically about Olbas oil is from people/children ingesting it or accidently putting it in their eyes or nose thinking they were drops. I did see it recommended as pain relief for neuropathy etc by massaging into the skin.
If it really worries you, then discuss things with a pharmacist as they can be very helpful with such matters.
Take care x ?
Aw, thank you so much for your advice Chick ? You have made me feel so much better so sending you a hug ???xxx
Thank you Oldspice60 - and a hug ? to you too. ? ? ? X
Hi Oldspice60,
I too am very troubled by this “mine field” of products that encourage/cause cancer, part of me does not believe any of it but part of me still cannot dismiss it altogether. I am ER+ and they really seem to have it in for us, I used to like chocolate and ice-cream but however much I tell myself they wont do me any harm it has taken some of the pleasure out of them for me.
It would be worth bearing in mind that manufacturers selling a product will claim that their product is safe where as their rivals is not to increase revenues.
Also as Chick1 says, there are lots of people out there just making up theories to get publicity, most of whom don’t really care if the theories are true or not, they just grab attention and get people to read the article.
I have also found that all neutral experts/authorities on the subject seem reluctant to give a conclusive answer, the best I have received is “no clear evidence one way or the other.”
Sorry I cannot be more helpful, I suppose this is just another of the ways that BC continues to cast a long shadow over our lives.
Hi. Thanks for your comments Sunflower and lalalottier. I think much the same as you do in that I continue to eat dairy/sugar (in moderation) and also drink alcohol (ditto). I am of the opinion that a BC diagnosis should not mean you can’t enjoy life but I still as you say get that dark sceptre each time I indulge nagging me that I am playing Russian Roulette. I just tell it to bog off most times as we not all cut out to be as self riteous as Deliciously Ella! As an aside I got into a bit of a heated dispute with Renew You, which, while peddling the disclaimer that the medical evidence is not theirs continued to message me saying I should err on the side of caution with Olbas Oil. Needless to say that has been met by radio silence from me ?