
Can we not access other peoples profiles now?I like to read what other people are doing and where they live sometimes, does anybody know or can you not view them anymore@?If not,what is the point in putting your story in your details/

debbi x

Hi debbi

Just to keep you in the picture, work is currently in the final stages on bringing back the profiles.

Kind regards


ok thanks katie

regards debbi

do you know why it says edit at the side of all my posts?I have not noticed it on anyone elses.



Did you amend your posts after posting? If no, I guess BCC has edited for some reason. Maybe the new terms and conditions?

Margaret x

No I didnt, and they have not been edited by anyone because everything I put is you think its because I dont preview post first?I will try it now anyway.God i feel was easier to use before and i definitely dont understand this private message thing because you can see what people write???

debbi x

I have just done that and it still says edit.anyone can go on my message and amend it I think.Can you see edit at the side of my messages margaret?


Hi Debbi,
I can’t see anything saying edit next to your messages - they are just the same as everyone elses. Hope this reassures you!

oh debbi - you must be totally confused by now. Your last 2 messages do not have edited by them. But the others do. I think perhaps the moderator has been having ‘technical’ problems.

I did notice earlier that they had edited someone’s post for including a link to a website. Sadly all the post had beside it what was left of it was ‘edited’. I do hope the moderator does inform posters if they have edited their posts otherwise it seems somewhat discourteous to me. Perhaps when moderators edited posts they could put beside them ‘edited by moderator’? Strangely on that particular post after another member posted to the same thread the moderator went back and removed more of the post - thus making the next poster look a bit ridiculous.


Hi Debbi

Everybody has the ability to edit their own posts; that is why you can only see edit by your own posts. It is there regardless of whether or not you have edited your post.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

Best wishes


Dear Moderator

I am not sure what harm you think will happen to me if I look at a website containing secret santa gifts. Having served in the police force I am well able to look after myself online. I can understand that you need to stop people advertising “quack cures” etc, but surely you can allow members to offer a bit of support to each other???



thanks to everyone who replied and tried to help me.

debbi x

Hi Debbi,

This is a mystery. As RMW says everyone can edit their own posts (the “edit” is on the right hand side) but 2 of your posts still show “edited”. It must be BCC who did this, maybe a technical problem.

I will send you a private message to test that for you.

Re secret santa post, I saw the original and then the edited version. The new terms and conditions are affecting some posts.

Margaret x


Totally second your opinions! If I have mentioned another website (like a lot of ladies) it’s been done in a completely innocent way and for people to have more information - nothing at all to do with quacks etc. Are we not now able to mention insurance companies that we feel have offered a good deal, etc. etc?

That’s what’s great about these forums as we get so much information from them and I dip in and out of this one and another one which I now feel that maybe I shouldn’t mention?!

I also agree with you Dawn that there should be some way of that person knowing that their post has been edited by BCC - we’re all adults (well, I think we are!!)

Rant over!


Hi all

Just wanted to say on the subject of editing posts, if any of the Breast Cancer Care Facilitators edit one of your posts, we would always private message you to let you know why it has been edited. We would never edit without explanation.

I hope this clarifies the position on the use of the edit function by the Facilitation Team.

This facility was introduced as an additional tool for users if they wished to amend any errors or ommisions in their messages once they have posted them.



Breast Cancer Care

Should private messages appear as a ‘sticky’ at the top of all the discussions? or do we have to look under ‘private messages’? (that is where the moderator left one for me, which I stumbled across two months later!!) How do we know to look if we aren’t expecting a message!!
Please clarify

I’m really confused as well about private messages. My private messages folder has several messages in it but none of them seem to be anything to do with me - not even threads I have contributed to. ANd none of the private messages I’ve sent or received are in there.

Think your idea of getting them to appear as a “sticky” is a really good one, Jacquie. Hate the idea of someone sending me a private message and me not knowing and appearing therefore to ignore it.

Help please!


PS would also really like a way of those threads I’ve bookmarked then being more quickly accessible, rather than having to scroll through lots of new messages each time. SOmetimes I just want to log on and check whether someone has responded on one particular thread. Just now had a thought - what happens if you then search for “bookmarked”? Will that pick up all the bookmarked threads? Will go and try it.

Nope - didn’t work! Search found nothing! K

Hi Kay and Jacqui

I will pass your comments regarding ‘sticky’ private messages to the technical team for consideration. Not sure if this is possible, but the team will confirm this.

On the subject of where the private messages are located. If another user starts a discussion which is private for you, then they should start this discussion in the Private Messages room and address it to you by adding your exact user name.

However, private messages can also be posted within a current thread in any room. This is done by adding the username of the person it is addressed to in the box entitled ‘send a private message to’.

My advice would be to occasionally check the Private Messages room to see if anyone has left a message for you. You will only be able to see private messages which are addressed privately to you. (I note that there are currently a few general messages in the PM folder which you will be able to see).

Hope this clarifies things for you?

Kind regards.


Breast Cancer Care

Just to bang on about it again…why oh why couldn’t BCC have devised an ordinary direct private meessaging sytem as is the case on other forums. I am still so annoyed that with the massive resources at your disposal there is no proper system or facility for swapping e-mail addresses if we want to.
