Prophylactic masectomy and reconstruction

Hello everyone,

I’m booked to have a prophylactic masectomy and reconstruction July 5th in Turkey due to having a high risk of breast cancer. Would be able to get it on NHS but they want me to lose about 5 stone before they will even put me on the waiting list and I can not wait that long. I have had a GA before and understand the risks. Can anyone advise what to expect. I’m having skin sparing with excess tissue being removed from both Arm pits and implant reconstruction. I have spoken to breast care nurses who have advised me of what the NHS will do if I become ill once home. I am staying 10 days post op with my husband so I know the drains don’t come out too early and part of my package is free revision surgery if needed. I guess I’m just a little scared but also excited to hopefully be free of the death sentence that killed my mum and nan at 49. Any advice would be appreciated thank you all. Just for context I am aged 40 bmi of 38, don’t smoke and relatively active with my job I just enjoy food. I don’t really drink and defo no drugs. The clinic I am going too are aware of my BMI and happy as I have had prev GA and surgeries before. I have no other co morbidities. Sorry for the essay

I haven’t had the procedure done so can’t make recommendations but I have had mastectomy with diep flap.

You are very brave going abroad because when I was at my lowest in hospital I was desperate to go home. I think having someone accompany you will be a big support. Also don’t fly home until you think you’re 100%, it’s a long journey. I found a 30minute car journey challenging.

I wish you all the very best, hope it goes well