Prostate Cancer Petition

Thanks narnia, did you click on the link emailed to you to complete signature. A lot of people say they have signed but I think they must forget to click on the link and there names never appear on the list. Sometimes takes a couple of goes at it.


ps - there is also another petition raised by a private individual on the subject of introducing screening which could do with some help…

Thanks Col


Update on the prostate cancer petition. The Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) have advised that in total including the on-line petition they now have 15,700 signatures which is a fantastic response.

AICR on-line petition ‘More Tests, Fewer Deaths’ (835 signatures, inc doctors & nurses)

Thanks for everyone who has signed (please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues. More signatures required to influence the government.

Thanks for your help and good luck to everyone in their personal battles with cancer, Col

New Screening Petition (55 signatures, 145 more required to secure a response)

My husband and both his brothers were diagnosed with prostate cancer , my husban and elder brother are both doing fine after rads and radio, They are keeping on eye on younger brothers PSA he has got cancer but quite slow growth.
My brother asked for test at 55 and was told not necessary unless you have symptoms!!! My hubby and youngest brother were given tests due to older brothers diagnoses… they both had no symptoms !!! I was diagnosed a year ago with BC just one year after my hubby. Today is the 1st Anniversary of my op.
So will definetly sign your petition…

Hi Colin
Just to say signed the petition. My husband is in the middle of “Movember” where you grow a crazy moustache for the whole of November to raise money for Prostate Cancer awareness so we feel its close to our hearts.

Good luck with everything.
Shonagh xx

Thanks Shonagh.

Thanks Bobbie. With regard to your brother even the NHS Choices web site now states that “Prostate cancer does not normally cause any symptoms until the cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra” ( which is why prostate cancer awareness and the PSA test is vital.

AICR on-line petition ‘More Tests, Fewer Deaths’ (837 signatures, inc doctors & nurses)

Hi Colin,

Just signed.

Best wishes
OC x

Please remember to click on the link emailed to you otherwise your signature will not be registered. You should see your name on the bottom of the list, sometimes it takes a couple of goes to sign. Thanks for your support.

Hi Colin

I’ve just signed it as well because I have the BRCA2 gene which means that my brother and my son are both at risk of prostate cancer.

What a shame more men don’t highlight it especially if it’s caught early the prognosis is good. Interesting that no ‘celebrity’ men have come forward to highlight it (to my knowledge).

Thanks Pinkdove

The only celebrity I am aware of is Max Clifford. He did though decline to sign the petition.

Hi Colin

What a shame that Max Clifford declined. I think that’s been part of why breast cancer awareness has been successful because of people like Linda McCartney, Dusty Springfield, Kylie, etc. etc who have highlighted it plus the many thousands of women who have talked about it.

Good luck with it - it certainly needs bringing to the fore.

Routine prostate cancer testing is not unproblematic. On balance I think that if people want a blood test they should have one, but the blood test is not reliable…many false positives and false negatives.

My dad died of prostate cancer but I don’t feel inclinced to sign this particular petition because it doesn’t appear particularly well researched. Far better to put energy and resources into publisicising early symptoms of prostate cancer.


Hi just signed the petition, I have son and grandson’s so didn’t hesitate, good luck with it, junieliz

Thanks Junieliz (remember to click on the link emailed to you otherwise your signature will not be registered. You should see your name on the bottom of the list, sometimes it takes a couple of goes to sign).

Supporting the petitions does I think raise awareness of prostate cancer and as result the symtoms or lack of symptoms (does not normally cause any symptoms until the cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the urethra" ( .

I have also been writing to the government via my MP on the subject of prostate cancer awareness which as you would imagine can be very frustrating.

Thanks again, Col

Hi everyone,

Update on the two petitions

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and more than 10,000 die in the UK every year as a direct result of the disease. A man aged 50 has a 1 in 11 chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Last year more than 30,000 men in the UK were told they have prostate cancer. Most men don’t even know where there prostate is !!

The Screening Petition now has 100 signatures but requires a minimum of 200 signatures to secure a response. Ends Jan 13th

The Association for International Cancer Research (AICR) petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has now reached 986 signatures which includes doctors and nurses.

Please help to raise awareness and remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing (you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.

More signatures required to influence the government.

All the best for everyone in your own personal battles, Col

I’ve just signed, I’m BRCA2 and if my son is to, he will be at risk.

Thanks Lynn.

The BRCA2 gene, father or brother with prostate cancer and African Caribbean men are at increased risk. The risk increases with age.

The Screening Petition now has 106 signatures but requires a minimum of 200 signatures to secure a response. Ends Jan 13th

The Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has 994 signatures which includes doctors & nurses.

Please help to raise awareness and remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing (you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.


Hi Col

Signed Judy xxx

Thanks Judy, I am extremely grateful to you and everyone who has signed.

Got the bad news today that my friends girlfriend he has known from his teens died today of breast cancer. Sometimes its a s****y world !!

The better news is the Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has now reached over 1,000 signatures (1,032) and that including the on-line petition now have 18,500 signatures and they hope to make 20,000 before Feb 21st.

The Screening Petition though lags behind at 134 and needs a further 66 signatures to secure a response by January 13th when it closes.

Please sign the petitions to help raise prostate cancer awareness (remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.

Merry Xmas, Col

Hi everyone and happy new year,

Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the new year and 10,000 men will die of the desease.

Please take a couple of mins to sign the petitions and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics.

The Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has 1,043 signatures including doctors and nurses

The Screening Petition though lags behind at 158 and needs a further 42 signatures to secure a response by January 13th when it closes.

Please sign the petitions to help raise prostate cancer awareness (remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.



Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the new year and 10,000 men will die of the desease. Currently in the UK there are no routine screening programmes for prostate cancer.

Please take a minute to sign the petition and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics.

The Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has 1,079 signatures including doctors and nurses

Please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.