Hi Col
This is a great idea. My good friends dad was diagnosed 2 days before Xmas, they started rads xmas eve and he is taking a chemo tablet. He had no symptoms only when the cancer broke into his spine and he was in agony.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Jo,
Early prostate cancer will usually have no symptoms and it is quite common as with your friends dad and myself not to have any symptoms when it is advanced. Early detection and treatment is vital and it is important to get as many people to sign the petition as possible which closes shortly
Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and 10,000 men will die of the desease. Currently in the UK there are no routine screening programmes for prostate cancer.
Please take a minute to sign the petition and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics.
The Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has 1,102 signatures including doctors and nurses
Please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list) and please pass on to family, friends and work colleagues.
Hi everone,
The screening petition for prostate cancer closes tomorrow 13th Jamuary and currently has 394 signatures.
16 months ago I was diagnosed with aggresive prostate cancer aged 54 via a routine blood test (PSA) via my GP, I had no symptoms and was lucky. I advised my friends to have a PSA test and all were told by their doctor that as they had experienced no symptoms (problems with water works) it was not necessary. Most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms at all, it is only when the tumor has grown that symptoms are experienced.
Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in this year and 10,000 men will die of the desease.
Please take a couple of mins to sign the petitions and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics and pass on to anyone you can think of to sign…
Please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list.
just signed, we lost my grandad to this disease last year as well as a close work mate - have passed the link on to others too - lets hope we can get lots more signatures.
I am back in clinic tomorrow for more tests for bc (visible hole but no lump) my grandfather died from, my uncle has (mid 50’s) my cousin has (40’s) prostate cancer - my dad elevated PSA levels being monitored. Not one of my brothers will go for the test.
I am pushing to get them to do any test to see if there could be a link with my breast and the prostate conditions rife in my family - i was the first girl in 3 generations! and all the blokes had ‘problems down there - you know!!!’
It is not ignorance that kills it is embarassment … and as soon as i can access the sites I will put my signature on and I shall recruit mates from another web group.
Good luck to anyone in these situations.
Thanks Vic and thank you Oldship for recruiting more signatures. I hope your tests prove to be benign. Men with a family history of prostate cancer, particularly uncles and fathers, have a two to three fold increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Some people believe that there is a familial connection between breast cancer and prostate cancer (PCaSO).
The screening petition for prostate cancer closed with 440 signatures.
16 months ago I was diagnosed with aggresive prostate cancer aged 54 via a routine blood test (PSA) via my GP, I had no symptoms and was lucky. I advised my friends to have a PSA test and all were told by their doctor that as they had experienced no symptoms (problems with water works) it was not necessary. Most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms at all, it is only when the tumor has grown that symptoms are experienced.
Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in this year and 10,000 men will die of the disease.
Please take a minute to sign the petition (currently has 1,138 signatures including doctors and nurses) and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics and pass on to anyone you can think of to sign…
Please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list.
Hi everyone,
The AICR (Association for International Cancer Research) prostate cancer petition ‘More Tests, Fewer Deaths’ closes in just under 3 weeks and currently has 1,189 signatures including many doctors and nurses - hoping to match or beat the highest number of signatures for a prostate cancer petition of 1,685.
16 months ago I was diagnosed with aggresive prostate cancer aged 54 via a routine blood test (PSA) via my GP, I had no symptoms and was lucky. I advised my friends to have a PSA test and all were told by their doctor that as they had experienced no symptoms (problems with water works) it was not necessary. Most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms at all, it is only when the tumor has grown that symptoms are experienced.
Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this and every year and 10,000 men will die of the disease.
Please take a minute to sign the petition and help raise awareness and reduce these dreadful Statistics and please pass on to anyone you can think of to sign…
Please remember to click on the link emailed to you to complete your signing, you should see your name at the bottom of the list.