Prostate Cancer Petition


My previous post seems to have disappeared with the site upgrade. I again apologise for posting this petition on this site but there is a close link between breast and prostate cancer and I have myself lost my cousin to breat cancer.

16 months ago I was diagnosed with aggresive prostate cancer aged 54 via a routine blood test (PSA) via my GP, I had no symptoms and was lucky(ish). I advised my friends to have a PSA test and all were told by their doctor that as they had experienced no symptoms (problems with water works) it was not necessary. Most men with early prostate cancer have no symptoms at all, it is only when the tumor has grown that symptoms are experienced.

Around 35,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year and 10,000 men will die of the desease. Currently in the UK there are no routine screening programmes for prostate cancer.

I am supporting the following petiton on the Prime Minister’s on-line Number 10 web site which closes on Feb 21st to help raise awareness of prostate cancer.

The Association for International Cancer Research petition supporting their ‘more tests, fewer deaths’ camapign has 1,241 signatures including many doctors and nurses

Thanks and good luick to everyone is their personal battles, Col