prosthesis after WLE?

Hi everybody

Has anyone been offered a routine appointment to fit a prosthesis after WLE. I last saw the surgeon and BCN for results at 2 weeks post op when I still had a seroma.

By 6 weeks post surgery I realized the true discrepancy in size and requested an appointment for a prosthesis. The BCN was not available but arranged for the outpatients sister to supply me with one. (a cursory appt and no proper explanation how to place it in the bra for maximum effect and a “does that one suit”).

Today (9 months post surgery) I have been to a fitting clinic (again at my request) and been fitted with a prosthesis that is two sizes bigger and fills my bra. What an improvement!!

What is other people’s experience. Have you been offered a prosthesis? Were you seen by the BCN and /or surgeon after once the swelling had subsided. Am interested in finding out if this is an isolated incident.


Hi Crispy

I am sorry to read about your experience. I am adding a link to BCC’s publication ‘A Confident Choice’ which contains Standards of care for breast prosthesis fitting services which have been developed with people with breast cancer, breast care nurses and others who fit prostheses. We hope the standards will help people understand what they can expect from a prosthesis fitting service, I hope you find it of interest.

Best wishes

I did not get anything after my WLE - having said that there is not a great difference in my size - I think the position of my lump was quite good as it was fairly high up and at the side so it’s more in my armpit than my boob …and I’ve only got little ones anyway.