Prosthesis or not

Prosthesis or not

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Prosthesis or not I have just had a mastectomy and am wondering if there is anyone out there who has decided not to wear a prosthesis but to go around lopsided. I feel much more comfortable like this but I do feel conspicuous. I’m not sure how conspicuous I really am. My remaining boob is a 34 D. All advice welcome

hello serena
i very often go without my prosthesis like you i find it more comfortable ,
i never wear it around the house and when i had my rads it was just so uncomfortable i didnt bother the whole time ,i wear it at work but go shopping and things without it , do get some funny looks sometimes though lol,but thats their problem not mine, just do what ever you feel right with .

Dawn xx

Go for comfort Hi Serena,

Had my mastectomy and ANC 3 months ago and am now half way through chemo. I have got a prosthesis but have only worn it 4 times, and then only for short periods as I still find it very uncomfortable. There is still swelling around my underarm area and the drain site is tender.

So I too go lop-sided and find it by far the most comfortable. At 34C I think I can get away with it. However, when I go out I do find myself wearing loose tops or a shirt over a T shirt to disguise the absence of my R boob.

Don’t actually think most people notice. In the world today most people are far too busy and walk round with their eyes shut to those around them. So do what you and your close family feel comfortable with.

Just as a matter of interest I have a good friend who had double mastectomy several years ago and she doesn’t wear prostheses and she is a very successful business woman who travels extensively.

Best wishes.

Luv Pam