My first time in any type of forums so bear with me, please.
I had a neuroblastoma, a severe and agressive type of cancer when I was 12 months old. To remove the tumor, which was in the chest area, the surgeon had to remove most of my right breast tissue, so now I have scar tissue there instead. I still have my right breast, although it is much smaller than the left one (1-2 cups difference). I was told by my GP that I could have the reconstructive surgery on the NHS, which would involve fitting in a tissue expander. Following that, I would have saline injections for about 1-2 months and when my breast tissue has expanded enough, the tissue expander would be removed and replaced by a proper implant. I am scared of all of this, although I can see how the surgery would benefit my life overall. Has anyone had anything similar done and could give me some advice or share their experience? I have never spoken to anyone that has had this done and because of that I find it really difficult to decide whether to do it or not.
Hi, just gonna bump this up for u so others see it. I have no experience in this area but hopefully someone else will. I can see why it’s such a hard choice for u, i guess it’s a personal choice as to whether to stay as u are or go for the op. U have to weigh up the pros & cons i think, are u relatively happy as u are or would it make a vast difference to ur life if u have it done. If it would make a big difference then personally i would go for it but hey what do i know. I hope u get some replies from people who have undergone something similar. I wish u all the best in whatever decide, keep us posted, love Heather x
Hi. diagnosed last May with Grade 1 HER2 negative in right breast, so just got on with lumpectomy and radiotherapy. However, since Xmas my right breast became very swollen, red and hot. GP ruled out mastitis and cellulite via 2 doses of antibiotics. Can’t have massage until breast “calms down”. Breast is now shrinking rapidly but I have very hard areas going up towards top of my shoulder, under arm and round towards ribs at back, as well as it being very tight.
Have seen oncologist today who diagnosed severe fibrositis caused by delayed reaction to radiotherapy. She has said I will need 3 days of IV antibiotics to clear inflammation, then an op to remove fibrous tissue, then plastic surgery to reconstruct.
As I’m 64 and live alone, I don’t want reconstruction, so need to source prosthetic, especially urgent as the more the breast shrinks, the more difficult it is to camouflage it! I’m a 44DD on the left and now about a 32B on the right - see the problem?
Please can anyone tell me where I can buy “falsies”, so I can at least be less embarrassed about the way I look outwardly.
Sorry to waffle - first time on a forum and am concerned at this latest development, especially as I seemed to cope fine with diagnosis and treatment - perhaps upset tonight is delayed reaction emotionally!