Prothesis & Airport Security!!!

Hi Everyone,

This may sound like a very silly question but I will ask anyway! My mum had a mastectomy last June with chemo and rads. Finished rads in January so her and Dad are off to Benidorm on Monday.

However whilst on the phone to me last night she has had a sudden thought if the prothesis would set off the buzzers at departure and if her wig will too?!?!

I said I would ask for her just to put her mind at rest.

Thanks in anticipation,

No mine doesn’t! (neither prosthesis nor wig.)

Mind you I was once travellign back from France with my bra and prosthesis in my hand luggage cause I was sore from rads…and my bag was searched by security…the woman doing it was more embarrssed than me when she pulled it out…

But no problems if you’re wearing it.


As Jane says, your mum won’t set any buzzers off as there’s nothing metallic or similar to set it off. I did question the fact that I have a permanent line in (a portacath) and the hospital didn’t know as no one had asked that question but I found out that that’s okay as well!
