Proverb Punchline Game

To many cooks spoil the broth

So let someone else do dinner

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Unless you’re actually in battle.

let sleeping dogs lie
unless you want to go to E&R

The wish is father to the thought: farther than I’d wished, I thought.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

Can be contradicted by another proverb…Out of sight, out of mind…

Which is correct??

prob neither!!! if you care you do…

spare the rod, spoil the child
unless you need it for curtains

a problem shared is a problem spread around a bit!

don’t pull your hair out!


don’t pull your wig off!

just realised i’ve been dong this wrong!

how about …

a problem shared is a problem halved…

unless you tell the wrong person you have BC in which case they could drive you nuts and it could be a problem mulitplied

how about don’t pull your hair out

unless youre taking it off at night to go to bed

sorry about that!

hahahaha… nice FB…good one
am very tempted to pull off hair sometimes when people look a bit to long

new one

Before trying to find the needle in the haystack,

Smack the fool who dropped it there.

many hands make light work

how come that dosen’t happen in my house?

Putting the cart before the horse
is a man’s way of doing things

You can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

besides, that would look stupid.

One swallow doesn’t make a summer…

…but it can be the start of an eating binge.

Walls have ears…

so can they hear you when you come home plastered!?

Neither a borrower nor a lender be

and give Iceland a miss

laughter is the best medicine

Unless you’ve got syphillis - in which case Penicillin is a better bet

‘nothing acts faster than Anadin’

then use nothing

cleaniless is next to Godliness… so who’s a little devil then? (apart from me!)

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar…

Who wants to catch flies, anyway? Unless you are a frog.