So I was looking at myself in the mirror a few days ago and noticed an indention on my left breast in the lower outside area, almost under my breast, then the next day I started looking at my other breast and noticed an indention as well but this one runs kinda under the breast as well. I have lost over 84 pounds. I did make an appointment to see my doctor but the anxiety is killing me because it’s a 10 day wait till I see my primary physician. Anyone experience this? I’m 33 and no history of breast cancer. Any words would help. Thank you
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Waiting when you have an anxiety like this is so hard isnt it. The vast majority of breast changes are not cancer they are due to things like cysts and hormonal changes. having lost so much weight may mean you notice lumps and bumps that were always there just now more visible ? You are right to get it checked out but try and focus on the fact that the vast majority of investigations into breast changes have a positive outcome .If you maybe read some of the threads in the Breast awareness, signs and symptoms section you will see many people reporting back that after investigation it was nothing to worry about . Best wishes Jill
Thank you so much for responding. My anxiety is thru the roof but I brush her off. I am sure it’s what you say. Nothing but making sure will ease my mind. My aunts a nurse and said the same as you. It’s most definitely weight loss. I will definitely go read some of those other people have or are going thru the same thing as me. I gotta stay away from the mirror. I tell myself it’s not helping anything but making my boobs sore because I start messing with them.
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