Sorry girls; it seems like I only come here these days when I’m in pain.
Basically I’ve had left rib pain for a number of months now (‘good’ breast side) and a week and a half ago it got so painful I couldn’t even lift a cup of tea. GP is treating it as muscular and has given me anti-inflammatories.
It was beginning to heal up but now I’ve gone and pulled one on the other side so I’m in agony again. I also have a slight pull in my hip and one in my shoulder (from nothing more than slight stretching).
So basically it appears that, for some reason, my muscles have become prone to damage but I don’t know why. Any doctors/nurses/medically minded folks or fellow sufferers who can shed light on this for me?
I finished chemo in January of this year, followed by WLE and full node clearance, then rads which I finished at the end of April. I’ve been taking Tamoxifen since February.