Putting on weight like no tomorrow

Hi Guys,

I was diagnosed in October and had DMX in November, since then I cant seem to focus on my diet and am eating everything and anything.

Due to see my oncologist on Tuesday and start Letrozole and Adcal D3. Not looking forward to them as I have heard they can assist in gaining more weight.

I have noticed the weight creeping on and don’t know where to start to get help.

Anyone else going through this? I work full time too




You have my sympathy. I’m putting away the scales for now. It’s too depressing. I started Letrozole early October and, despite some great days of careful eating and lots of walking, the weight is going up. Thought I’d focus on feeling strong and active rather than thin. It’s easy to say/type but in reality the cycle of self-recrimination and comfort eating is ever present. Gah!


Hiya both, i can really relate to this too…i put weight on during chemo and radiotherapy and it has carried on creeping upwards now I’m on letrozole. I agree with being as body positive as possible but it is hard at times. I am active and taking comfort from the good that does my body, even if it doesnt show on the scales! I have been going for walks whilst listening to “positive” podcasts and that does have some impact in that i know ive done something for my physical health without the negative thoughts which can creep in if im left to my own devices!

There is a really nice recipe book by The Royal Marsden…The Cancer Cookbook… and it has some good recipes in relating to the various challenges of cancer treatment…

I hope the letrozole is doing what it needs to do for us all as obviously that is the main thing, and best wishes to you with your treatment. Julie xx


Thank you NorthernJay for the positive reply.

We will all get through this - watch this space :grin:


I was worried about weight gain as on HRT I was able to maintain my weight. Now I use a keto approach (not strict) and I am managing my weight well…although there’s always the possibility that it’s the Ca that’s helping out there :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thanks poppy6 for the reply, hopefully i can manage this