PUTTING OUT A.P.B Been all over the cyber streets looking for Karen, cannot seem to find her, anybody who does give her a hug think some how she might need it. We are all here if you need us…


DON’T PANIC I’m here…flippin’ problems with pc at home…so making use of daughters whilst babysitting.
Everything was fine at check-up, don’t go back until next year…felt very nervous about that as have been going 6mthly…will have mammogram in Jan., but can ring and see someone if i’m worried about anything…very fortunate to have very good BCN.
Been going through lots of different emotions this week, was down, scared, then relieved check-up was ok then scared/anxious again???
thanks for the hug elaine, its really appreciated…hope you enjoyed your birthday.
love karen xx

PHEW THOUGHT WE LOST YOU Thanks for your message…was getting worried, thought you had moved on to a posher chat room…lol.

So glad everthings went ok, know what you mean by emotions, I am just worried now cos I have felt so happy and well for a few weeks now…just waiting for the gremlins to pull me back…well guess what am not going back…

Heres to Lyn today

Speak to you later


Glad you’re ok Karen was starting to get a bit worried myself.

I go in August then it will be my 1st full year and it is a bit scarey, I remember when I went from 3 to 6 months. Like being on a high wire with no-one holding your hand.

The thing about coming on here is that we understand why you’re not ‘happy’ just because you’ve had good news.

I’m going away for a couple of days now - in a caravan on the Isle of Sheppey - lovely weather for it!

I’m thinking of you Lynn, hope it goes ok today.

See you all in a few days,

Love to everyone,

Valerie xxx

HAVE FUN Valerie,have a great time on the Isle of Sheppy…you deserve it, dont forget me stick of rock…lol
