Pyjamas (pajamas)

I would never in a million years have imagined that the thing most on my mind post diagnosis would be PYJAMAS! 

I have been told I must take some into hospital for my op, and I was advised by a survivor to have ones that button up the front.  Now here’s the thing:  I am fat.  Very fat.  I am probably a size 24, and I have no idea where I can get pyjamas that size that are button up.  I have spent at least an hour with Google already, so i thought maybe I could get some clues here.


I got very nice large button up pyjamas at Asda, i ordered through the website and picked them up in store



Pecan, I’m a size 20 and bought from M& S at first, until I discovered Tesco and Asda. Half the price !! You can order on line too. They also do good cotton knickers in packs, and soft bras which you will need post op. If you are having ancillary clearance you need to make sure the bra doesn’t rub on the wound - so a good big arm pit clearance. You’ll have to ditch the pretties. ?  I found I needed loads of stuff as I got sweaty in bed and so got changed every day, and some days more. Not something I’d thought of, to be honest. Good luck. X

Heya I was a size 26 last year when I had my MX i was worried about PJs as I couldnt find button ups that were not warm winter ones but instead opted for very large mens button up short sleeved shirts and leggings for wearing around the first few days I even bought them in the jacamo sale so they were about £3 each . Simply be do have button up PJs

But it turned out I need not worry I could easily get my arm above my head a day after and could ptetty much wear whatever if it was a little bit loose

Take care x

Thank you for the ideas.

I dragged my husband off to hell the shopping centre yesterday, and we spent a leisurely 3 hours traipsing through various shops, including M&S.  They all had sales on.  M&S goes to a size 22, but it seems I may have inadvertantly lost enough weight to get into pyjamas in that size.  So I finally selected a very lightweight fabric that wasn’t cotton, but super-stretchy, which I decided would have to do.  Went to the tills, and discovered I’d left the Gift Card sitting on my desk.  Two not-so-happy bunnies!


Hi there i am the same size as you and have just got some at Sainsburys

They are button up with short sleeves and quite a stretchy material which is so comfortable 

Hope this helps x

Thank you Colby. I also had been looking for PJ’s and now have just ordered the sainsburys ones i got the ones with caravans they look fab xx

I’ve got the caravans too!!! They did have a couple of other designs.

Also matalan have cotton button up short sleeved pjs.

Last time I was in hospital I was suffering with terrible hits sweats and had to change pjs several times a day so tsking lots with me this time! Also I’ve been told that after DIEP surgery they keep you very warm so have gone for pjs with shorts.