My oncologist told me i was going to have a lumpectomy but now i have seen the surgeon he has said i will have a quadrantectomy, so now trying to get my head around this. Has anyone had this ? How long is recovery ? Was you in pain / discomfort after ?
Also can i just say i am fed up with people saying to me, at least its ONLY a quarter of the breast and not the whole breast ! Its still a quarter of MY breast.
I’m sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post yet.
It might help to talk this over with one of our Helpliners. They will be able to offer you some practical information and support. The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays. The number is 0808 800 6000
I had a lumpectomy not a quadrantectomy but had a fair amount of tissue removed. I’m not quite sure of the differentiation tbh. The pain was not too bad, I had more from the snb that I had done at the same time. Are you having this done too? Has your surgeon talked to you about the cosmetic outcome? During the op they can shuffle the rest of the tissure around so as to keep as good a shape as possible.
People can say the most upsetting things, even when they are trying to think of something helpful to say. Of course you are finding this difficult, anyone would.
Hi sara68, I cant help with knowledge but there is a thread about things not to say to a cancer patient on the newly diagnosed page.
People do say random things.
I’ve been waiting for a full diagnosis but have been told due to mass size I will lose my breast. People keep telling me its good they got it early, but I’m quite fond of my boobs.