Query re. nipple

Hi all, I now have a yearly appointment at a family history clinic (my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35 and died at 45) but my next appointment is not until December. About a week ago, my right nipple became extremely itchy, this lasted about 3/4 days, since then the nipple(only the nipple) is tender to touch - this is a strange tenderness/pain - nothing like the normal tenderness you might have with menstrual changes etc. There is nothing physical to see, in terms of redness, flakiness etc. My breasts are large and ‘lumpy’ at the best of times - I find it very hard to check them with any confidence. Any thoughts? Many thanks, Conijoni

My advice is to go and get it checked. Especially with your family history.

I had a very itchy left nipple on and off for months - not particularly cyclical, but it was worse at some times of the month. As I was discovered to be anaemic, (when I went to give blood!) I went to my doctor and mentioned the itchy nipple at the same time. He laughed it off as nothing and made me feel quite silly and embarrassed for mentioning it.

BUT when I went for my next routine mammogram, it was in the left breast that they found a lump. I had not been able to feel anything when examining myself. I mentioned the itching to the radiographer who took the routine mammogram and she made a point of writing it on my notes, so I’m convinced it was significant.

However, your itching may be something completely different and nothing to worry about. But see your doctor anyway. Ladies on here often refer to the “two week rule”. If it’s not gone away in 2 weeks, get it checked - this will rule out normal cycle changes!

Good Luck. I’m sure it’ll turn out to be something minor, but if not, the sooner you get it seen to the bettter chance you have of getting it ‘fixed’! x

Many thanks for taking the time to comment. x

You should a doctor right away to be usre.