Question about Cording

Hello All

Going to ring my BCN on Monday but in the meantime searching here for some advice.

I had an ANC in January and until now have healed quite well with minimum side effects. However, over the last week I have developed what I assume to be cording in the arm on my operated side. Despite the exercises I’ve never quite achieved full extension of that arm since my op but I’ve started to get some discomfort, particularly in the upper arm but sometimes down to the wrist. Yesterday I noticed some dimpling in the skin and I can actually see and feel a “cord” running down my arm. Does this fit with symptoms other people have experienced?

Assuming that it is cording is there anything I can do to alleviate it? I’m continuing with the exercises but is there anything else that helps?

Thanks in advance for any advice

Emma x

Hi Mrs Foxglove

I don’t know if you have already got the Getting Fitter, Feeling Stronger publication/DVD from BCC but here’s the link if you haven’t. I hope you find it helpful.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Mrs Foxglove
Physio treatment can help a lot with cording. Ask your BCN to get you an appointment, it’ll probably be quicker than going via your GP.

hiya, sounds similar to my cording - lots of exercise sorted it but not without pain - got a great regime from the physio - now i swim and do pilates and even then at the start of the swim and exercise class I feel it, but by the end its tailed off to nothing - thats two years on!
sorry to say no gain without pain, but its only sore not anything else,
I now have full movement, but I was very determined!
good luck

Totally agree with what the others have said about physio. I was referred very quickly (by the BCN) to the women’s health physiotherapist as I had cording showing up in my armpit on the affected side. The physio showed us some massage techniques which made a big difference. Tricky to do on yourself but my mum and hubby came along to appointments and were shown how to do it.