I am writing an advanced care plan with my wishes. I am trying to bounce this off as many people as possible to make sure Im not missing anything important. The cancer spreads to brains bones lungs liver and then bowel from what I understand? So I want to make my statement on all 4 of these before I become exhausted and unable to clearly express my preferences and wishes.
My goal is to:
- die comfortably
- die sooner rather than later so Im not ground down and tired from years of pain in marathon like effect. I am fresh, prime and full of beans when it comes.
- only to suffer cancer and its effects…not to have additional sufferings from medical procedures such as skin grafts on top of the cancer.
- to be LUCID …VERY IMPORTANT…so I can do my spiritual meditations as I near death. I need a plan that makes it dso I dont need knocking out…a plan to die of whichever one of bones lungs liver enables this…supress the other areas & allow natural advancement of the area where i dont need pain killers that knock you out. (In buddhism we train daily to experience the 8 signs of dissolution as the body shuts down- it is our method of getting the our Buddhist heaven)
Please read the following and tell me what pitfalls might arise as a result and suggestions how to modify wording.
I would like to continue to receive FOOD and DRINK throughout these scenarios but not by invasive methods.
If you can install a tube directly into the stomach (sometimes known as a PEG feed) or an intravenous drip (directly into a vein) please do it.
I do not want a nasal feeding tube. If inserting PEG risks death on operation table please still go ahead. I choose death under a general anesthetic rather than death by starvation…it’s far more comfortable and peaceful. I am not saying I refuse a nasal tube. I am saying I prefer to not have plastic tube in my throat very passionately
I wish to refuse use of DEFRIBRILLATION or CPR
if the circumstances are
that I do not have an “all clear” of my cancer.
I wish to refuse Intraosseous infusion
if the circumstances are that I do not have an “all clear” of my cancer or I verbally refuse to give consent.
To get my veins to swell, heat me up and insert a huge amount of water up my anus & colon. I give consent to do this even if it causes soiling of my property. My only good vein is on my right arm inside the elbow joint towards the outer edge.
if the circumstances are
that I do not have an “all clear” of my cancer or give verbal consent.
Once I reach 50% on the PALLIATIVE PERFORMANCE SCALE I wish to refuse any treatment, procedure or care that involves WAKING ME, NON URGENT PAPERWORK, BLOOD PRESSURE TAKING, UNIMPORTANT QUESTIONS, ROUTINE PROTOCOLS THAT ARE POINTLESS, anything that is NOT URGENT. I do not wish to speak to you, BE MOVED unless it RELIEVES PAIN or BED SORES or AIDS BREATHING or IS URGENT. I am trying to do my final spiritual meditations & go into a deeper level of spiritual awakening. Imagine Im reading a book and my room is a library. Don’t talk in loud voices in front of me or to me UNLESS IT IS URGENT.
Once my PALLIATIVE PERFORMANCE SCALE REACHES 60% I wish to refuse the use of BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS that squeeze my arm
if the circumstances are
that I do not give verbal consent. Do not wake me to ask for consent if I am at peace & comfortable.
I wish to refuse using my LEGS TO TAKE my BLOOD PRESSURE or my LEFT ARM
if the circumstances are
that I do not have an “all clear” from my cancer or I do not give verbal consent. Do not wake me if I am dying and in a serene state to ask for consent.
I wish to refuse removing pieces of skin
if the circumstances are
that the cancer lumps inside them are not causing any major issues
I wish to refuse any treatment
if the circumstances are
where the spread of the cancer is not causing pressure related pain or loss of brain function
I wish for treatment including medical procedures
if the circumstances are
that brain function can be increased or pressure related pain can be reduced
I wish to refuse any treatment that reduces my lucidity
if the circumstances are
that there is no clear evidence that I am in a large amount of pain within my history, my body language/behaviour. Do not give me these meds just because its standard protocol or a safe bet. I am trying to do special meditations. I have been training daily since 1998 to espereince the 8 signs of dissolution during the death process & tarnsform them into spiritual attainments. I cant do this if you knock me out because I “might be in pain” and I cant tell you if I am. THANKYOU SO MUCH
I wish for treatment that increases lucidity, energy and alertness
if the circumstances are
that it will increase my brain function & ability to do my meditations.
You normall give a painkiller in the final hour. I want a lucidity aid chemical. I want to see God/Buddha.
I wish to refuse any treatment that is an intervention to delay my death
if the circumstances are
that you want to phone my relatives and ask them to rush to my bedside. I do not want my relatives there. Please do not tell them this. I want to do my final meditations without someone grabbing my hand and stroking it. I also do not want a radio playing.