Can Herceptin shrink tumuors on its own just finished tax chemo still got 1.2 by1.3 tumuore in liver and worried it wont work thanks lindsay
I don’t think it does. It works in a different way to chemo. It is like when you have a vaccination for measles, your body is encouraged to make anti-bodies to look for and then destroy any measles cells that it finds then and in the future. Herceptin works in a very similar way it encourages your immune system to look for any HER cells, lock onto and destroy them.
I am halfway through my herceptin treatment, I had a mx, chemo and rads.
Take care
Hi, Marion I have to have Herceptin when my chemo and RADS have finished. do you get many side affects?
Hi linzs,
I don’t really know the answer to your question but it may help to tell you my experience with herceptin.
In 2002 I started to develop a lot of ‘lumps’ around my collarbone and neck right up to just where ear & jawbone meet - all lymph nodes that got quite big. I had 2 different chemos one didn’t work at all, and one seemed to get rid of the lumps, but when I stopped they came back. At that point they found from previous tissue sample that I was her2+++ so I was put on herceptin and within days all the lumps disappeared, and have never come back. That does sound like herceptin on its own was successful.
Danjo - I have been on herceptin now for 6 years and don’t get any side effects from it.
HI only had 1 herceptin on its own but no side effects that i csn say still suffering from chemo s-e thanks for your replies