recent TNBC diagnostic, no treatment plan discussed with me yet (hopefully next week), I am worried that things are being too slow…
i have a few questions (unfortunately I have not yet had the opportunity to ask the oncologist and forgot to ask the consultant) about TNBC:
tumour is 21mm (initially thought to be 18mm) and 1 lymph node, consultant said I will start with chemo. Why are some people having surgery beforehand and then chemo? Is doing chemo beforehand brings less success - I am confused as to why you would not want to get rid of it asap.
has anyone looked into changing their diet on receipt of diagnostic. I have stopped eating meat, dairy and refined sugar. I mainly eat beans, pulses, greens, whole grain rice and fruits. Have some of you made changes. I have read conflicting info about pulses and nuts.
I barely drink alcohol so now I have stopped totally
some people take supplements, I am worried about starting this at same time of chemo and will discuss with oncologist. I wonder if some of you are taking supplements whilst doing chemo.