questions still to be asked.

I was diagnosed with bc on the 15 feb, i am awaiting mx. I haven’t really been told anything about it apart from been oestrogen posotive and that i have 2 lumps one about 55mm and the other about 2.5mm. when were people told other information regarding grade and whther herception posotive etc. is it something that i will be told after the surgery.

Hi gg123,
Some of these details will be on the Path report after your biopsy, and will be on your hospital computer records. You can ask for a copy of the Path report if you wish, and the quickest way of getting one is through your GP who can download a copy and give it to you straight away. Breast care nurses are supposed to go through a more formal route and are less likely to get one for you. However, biopsy reports are only interim. It is quite common for things to change when they examine the tumours after your mx.

You should, however, have been told the grade and type of tumours and I would advise you to ask about this.


I got the information about grade only 2 days after the biopsy was taken at my very first appointment where I was diagnosed. The Breast Care Nurse gave me the information by phone. My BCN was more than happy to print off and give me a copy of the pathology report - she did not need to go through a formal route or defer to anyone else to do so. I guess this shows that procedures differ in different hospitals, as Lola65 has a different experience of getting reports out of BCNs.

Some people choose not to know information about grade, size etc. which is entirely their choice of course. So, if you want specific information, I suggest a phone call to your BCN would be helpful.

In my case, the HER2 test (to see if Herceptin would be useful) took MONTHS - I asked several times during appointments with oncologists during chemo and eventually it transpired the sample hadn’t been sent off for analysis (it was my wonderful BCN who found this out and sorted it out). It didn’t affect treatment as I wouldn’t have been put onto Herceptin until after all the other active treatment but the delay was annoying and proved to me how important it is to chase things up if you don’t hear anything.

Wishing you all the best.