Quit EC early

Hello all, I’m on a 4 x EC and 4 x pac every two weeks. I’ve had two EC and I’m not sure I can continue. It’s been soooooooo hard. Has anyone skipped EC and gone straight on to taxol? I’m scared but seriously can’t go through this again.

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Hi @jnra
So sorry to hear you’re having a rough time. Are there specific side effects that are making you feel this way? Maybe your oncologist / nurse could help incase any of them can be managed better and make the next 2 cycles a bit more bearable?
I’ve finished 4 EC, the second one was particularly rough for me in terms of sickness and I felt like giving up but I kept going with some medication/management changes and got through it. Just think the EC is causing you to feel crap but also kicking the cancer’s bum!!
Stay strong, you’re halfway through it, you’ve got this!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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Jnra :heart: I wanted to run for the hills after my first fec landed me in casa nhs for 6 days back in 2017, do speak to your team about a reduced dose for next time you might find that helps, mine were reduced after that first one and I coped well with reduced dose. Sending :two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I didn’t stop it early but just wanted to say, it was the same for me. Docetaxal was so much easier. I did swap from filgrastim to lenograstim on the third round of Ec, which helped a bit. But, yeah, EC is something I’d never want to do again. A lot of people only have three rounds so maybe just see if you can manage one more…it’s mentally easier knowing it’s the last one. But it’s so hard and I really feel where you’re coming from.

(I’m 3 years out and still remember how awful it felt).

Good luck x

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I sympathise, my second EC was the worst and I cried on my husband saying I wasn’t going to do it any more. I just felt absolutely floored. But I have to admit the 3rd and 4th weren’t anywhere near as bad, the 2nd seemed to be the peak for me. Best of luck with whatever you decide :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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I had 6 x EC every 3 weeks. That was an old protocol. Each cycle was different and hard to tell how each cycle will take you. It was a bit of a rollercoaster. It is a very effective chemotherapy though, so maybe chat to your team and see if they can add something more to help your side effects. Best wishes.

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I would second talking to your team - they want to know how you are managing. I’m just working through the side effects of my second EC and agree it’s a slog.

I had previously had 12 paclitaxel and was particularly sick on the last one. Due to this, my specialist adapted the EC dose and gave me some very strong anti sickness tablets. This has worked for the first two cycles although I’m knocked for six with it. Currently, the bone pains from the filgrastim are pretty bad and I’m finding sitting on a heated blanket is just about the only thing to ease them.

My chemo nurse said it hits bad as it’s doing a tough job. I need it to do that job for me.

Wishing you well.


Hello all, thanks for the words of encouragement. After my first EC my liver enzymes were really high and I had to wait until they lowered. Just had blood test and it’s happened again so I think they’re going to stop EC and move me onto Paclitaxel. I’m relieved but also worried. However after this I also have radiotherapy and tamoxifen so hopefully I’m covered… :pray:t5:


@jnra I’m sorry you are feeling pants and glad you are getting the outcome you want. I have only had 1 EC so far but reading all the kind and helpful comments help me as much as they will have you. Thanks everyone

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