Race For Life

well done sadiel, every time i looked outside i thought of you in the rain and egged you on, you are certainly an inspiration to me, i will be racing next year, lots of love liz xxxx

My daughters ( 13 and 15 ) have signed up to run in Gloucester next weekend. I am so proud of them and they organised it themselves and feel as if they are helping me. Which they are!
Hoping for nice weather.

Well done Sadie, you must be so proud of yourself and rightly so. Im in awe of all you ladies on chemo that have entered the R for L. Brilliant !!

well done ladies, im doing mine on 26th in soilhull bham

It was a wonderful atmosphere but take tissues for the film at the start. Very emotional!! It is lovely to see and hear about so many youngsters doing it! Good luck to all taking part and those supporting others taking part. I do hope it is a bit dryer than worcester today! I have just about dried out!!!

Sadie Xx Xx

Yes Well done Sadie xx

hi I finished rads last week and doing the race for life in newcastle 10th july-think Ill be walking not running .getting dressed up with my two teenage daughters ,sister in law and two nieces.My best friend will be with us too she had a nasty her2 5 yearsplus ago and was one of the first women to have herseptin on nhs -she is now 45 and looking fantastic after her chemo and rads and is my inspiration with her no nonsense approach -good luck to you and big hugs from all of us ! x

Walking’s definitely the way to go. Did mine last weekend, in my GOOD week post FEC5.

Well done CM and good luck E46!!

It really does give you a buzz - to really DO IT esp with friends and family!! Go for it!! I wrote ‘ME’ on my back - doing it for ME was good!

Sadie Xx Xx

I’m doing Race for Life in Crawley this evening with my two lovely daughters. Older daughter aged 16 is running with a friend and younger daughter aged 13 is walking with me. Despite being in the middle of tax sessions I am sure I can do it and am doing it for everyone having chemotherapy. Hope it doesn’t rain too much. Good luck to everyone running/walking in Crawley and in all the other ones over the country. Let’s show the cancer we are not going to be defeated!

Good luck for tonight frogfancier - Sadie I’ve put “Me” on my back too along with “my mum, gran and breast friends”

  • will take the tissues as advised!