Race For Life

I have just returned from sitting round Furzton lake in Milton Keynes watching thousands of ladies taking part in the Race for Life. I went to cheer my daughter her friends and a good friend of mine who was racing for me. As my hubby and I watch all the ladies stream by complete strangers blew me kisses, wished me luck. I had tears in my eyes it, it was so humbling and moving. Those ladies today well done and thank you. Your the hero’s to me.
I must not forget a very special lady who is in the middle of her treatment was also taking part. Way to go Adi!!!

Excellent. Good to see fun and pleasure and people making an effort, getting fitter. My daughter is in training for her Race for Life and is really sticking at it. Now up to running for an hour without stopping and before she couldn’t manage 5 minutes. My son is at this moment cycling from John O’Groats to Land’s end for charity, with a team from the RAF. They have to climb the three peaks en route, he just has to cycle but he’s on his own with no support and they’re doing it in relay with full back up. He’s trying to beat them to Land’s End. He finds the hardest challenges, completely bonkers, yet the sanest person I know. So proud of them both.

Wow your son really has a big challenge in front of him, and for your daughter to go from 5 mins to an hour is very impressive, no wonder your proud of them both!

BD, Well done to your family!
This time last year me and seven friends and family did the Race for Life and really enjoyed the day, the atmosphere was brilliant, I did n’t know then that I would be dx 8 months later with Bc , so this year as I’m having chemo I can’t do it but my friends are running for me , I have donated my entry fee instead. Go girls !

Me and my lot are doing ours next weekend. Smaller girlies are running and I have persuaded my big girlie to walk round with me - no bleedin’ way would I run even before diagnosis, I’m sure as hell not going to when nearing the end of chemo! Big girlie didn’t need a lot of persuasion, mind. Am also taking OH’s dog with me. She’s a girlie, she’s allowed…

There are a couple of Race for Life threads in the In Your Area bit, must bump them up.

I’m doing Race for Life with a load of friends on 17th July. We’re all dressing up as bees (big swarm). One of the girls is 65 on that day, she lost her mum to BC and ss it’s her birthday she’s Queen Bee and is wearing a tiara along with her antennae… and little does she know but we have got a pair of canary yellow knee pads which we will put stripes of black insulating tape on. She will hopefully wear them because she’s the bees knees. We’re all mad as a box of frogs, but couldn’t do without any of them, such good friends.

Good luck to everyone who’s doing R f L this year. Go for it girls.

J xx

Can’t believe I did it!!! 5 Km in middle of chemo absolutely amazing day. 10km a day was the norm for me prior to being diagnosed on 15th Dec. It was an amazing day and supported by daughter number 2 and many of her friends/colleagues and more friends. We have raised £££££!!!

It was so lovely to see you Dragonfly could not believe you were there on the sidelines. It brought tears to my eyes. Fingers crossed for Monday for you.

It almost feels normal today. The house is buzzing with so many of daughters friends all over the place. FANTASTIC DAY. Body is shattered but brain is hyper - thanks Steroids. Life is precious and can’t believe how many people joined me today. WOW!!! Adi

Well done Adi! So proud of you, way to go february friend!!

Sal xx

It is great to see Race for life my younger sister does it each year & my sons girlfriend ran last year & doing it this year too. Well done to all who take part & support this great cause

You were amazing Adi could not believe it was you. It was so brilliant seeing you and all the ladies racing. I felt so blessed seeing friends and family running for me, but the strangers running to raise money for us, now that’s humbling. Let’s try and catch up soon. Enjoy your rest tonight you’re sleep well hopefully tonight, and thanks for the hug today for Monday xxxx

Since I got DX, she’s managed, through the 3 races and a baking day at work, to raise about £1,200 in 8 weeks. I cannot begin to tell you how proud I am of my determined little daughter.

hi ninja,

how proud you must be of your daughter, and still joining in even though she isnt 100 per cent herself,

tell her from me, she is worth her weight in gold and to keep up the good work,

lots of love liz xxx

Just thought Id drop a quick note on here as Ive just done the race for life in Shrewsbury and am half way through chemo. did it in 54 mins and survived!!! Actually referred to it as my slow stroll for life but did do a bit of a jog on the track so v proud of self. By the by, there were pole dancers at the Shrews race at the start and finish line??? Not sure that really encouraged me in my boobless bald and sweaty state!!

Well done and big cheers for those ladies who have completed the Race for Life and are in the middle of treatment, I didn’t feel able to last year just after finishing chemo and radiotherapy. Am doing it tomorrow in Darlington with daughter, DIL to be and three friends from work. including one who is almost 7 months pregnant! Also some lovely ladies I have met through this site. Really looking forward to it. Best wishes to everyone. Marli x

Hi, just dusted trainers ready for my ‘slow amble for life’ tomorrow, 10 weeks of weekly taxol will make even a slow jog impossible!! For my daughter it will be her 4th doing it three legged!! Anyway, I think we will both need goggles as weather not looking good!! I just hope I can make it, everyone is making such a fuss!! With bone and lung mets it certainly will be my Everest.

Sadie Xx Xx

Sadie Good Luck, Marli good luck tomorrow. Doing it in July with 2 friends 17 and 21 yrs on from BC me 1 yr on and daughter 18 weeks pregnant Love J xx

Well done all you ladies on chemo doing it - I hold my hat up to you! I’m doing it next month, raised £263 so far…

Sadie I hope you reach your Everest you should be so proud - well done!
Also well done to everyone taking part - you have made me feel ashamed that I am not doing it - but I shall promise to do it next year in honour of all of you and for my Mum too.
Esbee x

Hi!! I climbed my everest!!! It was pouring with rain but I was one of 5,000 people who walked round the race corse in worcester! I am very proud of myself and thoroughly enjoyed it!!


Sadie Xx Xx

WELL DONE, Sadie (and everyone else involved!) You have great spirit!!! Esp. in this foul weather!

Love, Sarah x