Radial Scar

I am just popping over to this section of the forum from the ‘recently diagnosed’ part where I have been ‘living’ for the past few weeks! My current status is complicated, so I won’t go into it in depth, but I have been diagnosed with Radial Scar (possibly along with BC, but yet to be determined). I’d never heard of Radial Scar before, and searching on the internet does not seem to throw up a lot of easy-to-understand info on the condition! Today, in the Daily Telegraph, there is a 2 page article on Radial Scar which is very informative and it raises some very interesting points. Radial Scar is unusual (according to this article, 1 in 2,500 screened women have it) so maybe there is no-one reading this right now who this is relevant to, but I just wanted to post about it in case it will help somebody.

“Re fingers crossed its not” is a post by Gillian I think who has just been dx with a radial scar. Perhaps you can share, xx