Radiation burn

Morning I am just 6 weeks past my radiotherapy finishing, I have moisturised as instructed for all of this time but tHis week I have developed radiation burn under my arm  which is very sore I wondered if any of you lovely people had any recommendations on what I could do before I go to my GP 

Hi Coffeebean, I’m sorry you have this problem. I did not realise a rad burn could develop so long after finishing treatment, I was sore for a week or so after but then it got better. I wonder if this is something else? Others who know more than me may reply soon, or you could call and check with the nurses on  here, always very helpful. Hope it gets better soon. Mo xx

hi coffeebean 

I’m about to finish radiotherapy (last one tomorrow). My radiotherapy team have given me a leaflet with suggested gels and dressing in case there are any issues post treatment. They suggest if necessary showing the leaflet to the GP if necessary. It may be worth you ringing the radiotherapy sweat many first to see what they suggest the GP prescribed as they are likely to be more knowledgeable than the GP. From the leaflet suggestions include Hydrogel (cooling effect and temp pain relief for 6 hours), an absorbent dressing if the wound is moist, hydrogel dressings. Hope this helps and they prescribe something to help. Take care x 

Hi coffeeBeen,

Very interested to read your post. Like you I had the 5 day therapy. Other than tiredness I had no problems whatever until 14 days later. There seemed to be the start of a sweat rash under the breast but within a few days, realised it wasn’t. The skin broke and blistered and the BCN contacted the GP to prescribe the gel dressings that another post mentions. What a relief- so cooling! I too had done all the moisturising as instructed. It appears some women get this problem but certainly not all. Let us know how you get on.