Well I thought I was going to be one of those that sailed through this. Finished rads last saturday and thought I had no side effects. Hot boob, but not really a problem,.Nerve damage, not painful, just wierd. Skin still good, but there is still time. All minor stuff.
But the radiation fatigue has officially hit me. I was quite tired after this weekends gig, but that is not unusual, I usually spend hours in bed the next day and just doss around. But this week I have found myself just not packing as much into my day as usual. Then yesterday I went shopping for two hours, came home and collapsed into bed and stayed there all day. Slept a solid 9 hours last night
Fortunately i had earmarked September as not knowing if I would be tired or not and have kept the diary clear. Not going back to court till October and as luck would have it not gigging this weekend because we have a big family do. There are some advantages of being old and not having any real commitments.
I realy was feeling rather smug. Keep active, look after yourself and you will get away with it. Well pride comes before a fall. At least I am not feeling ill just do not have the energy to do anything. Having quite a jolly time reading and doing suduko and looking for bargains on ebay.
Off to my chinese doctor today–wonder if he can help. Oh and the hospital have finally got my tomaxifen in so I will pick that up. I was supposed to start sunday, but i dont suppose any tumors will have suddenly sprouted because there is a few days delay.
Just be kind to yourself, you’ve done brilliantly so far and have kept so active. I wonder if a bit of it is your body saying “right, now I really can crash, I don’t need to keep going”? I am one of those annoying lucky ones who sailed through rads with no fatigue (and was pretty lcuky during chemo too) but I have had to slow down a bit from my past manic life and be a bit more ‘normal’ in terms of energy output.
Hope you Tam se’s are teeny weeny.
Relax, be kind to yourself and maybe try a little grape juice in a spirited fashion?1
OAL - so your body has just gone “Errrr, NOPE” at you. Typical it happens when you think you’re on the home run eh.
I’m wondering whether if I already HAVE fatigue problems, if it’ll get a lot worse with Rads if I do get it as an SE (most do)
I’m still managing for the most part to do all the domestic stuff and yesterday I was up in the attic clearing stuff out and going through boxes and spent 3 hours lugging boxes/bags etc. Slept ALL through the night last night and only just got up at 10am because the neighbours have 2 concrete mixers going in their yard.
But I’m aching like mad all over and feel dreadful.
I did a gig at the weekend, but had to get the lads to carry all the gear for me.
I have not been practicing this week. I just felt it was best to give into it. Fortunately we do not have a gig this weekend, but I think i could if i had to. My chinese doctor says its best to rest as much as i can to get the energy bank stocked up so that I have reserves for when i need them. He said it is easier to top up a nearly full band than it is an empty one. .Dont know if i totally believe the mumbo jumbo but i suppose it makes sense and a week off practice wont do me any harm
YAF, you’ve done very well so far, and have exactly the right attitude in just letting it happen and going with the flow. I’m convinced that will help you get your oomph back quicker than if you kick and scream and fight it.
As for letting the boys carry in the gear - too bloody right!
Have a good rest, lie around with your top off to let the air get to your bits, and you’ll be back to near-normal speed before too long.
I think if you enjoy it, it’s not too much of a bind.
I always fight it and try and do stuff because if I sit there I stagnate and I feel very down. But then my body kicks my ar*e if I do. Like today, I can hardly do anything after spending hours clearing the attic, I’m aching all over and I’m utterly wiped.
Your Chinese doctor is saying exactly the same re the energy bank as the occupational therapists who advise on managing tiredness and breathlessness with chronic lung disease. I wonder who learned from who (whom?) or were they separate east/west discoveries?
Perhaps they both made the same conclussion even though they were looking from a different viewpoint–give you confidence that they are both probably correct.
I am now 2 and half weeks past my radio therapy of 25 doses. While away from home I was very vigelent as to drinking agood amount ofwater and eating well and staying away from too many carbs and did relatively well as far as tiredness. But now back at home, I have slipt back into eating carbs and have found myself very emotional at times and sleeping at odd times in the days. I try to do housework or some shopping but I just have not got much stamina.Just feeling blah to be honest. I was operated on in June and I suppose I am still getting over the fact that I was found to have breast cancer. However I do have a good prognosis. The tiredness could be related to my food intake, so to prove it is too many carbs I suppose I shoul go back to sound eating habits. One is told that you may get this tiredness and I understand this or is it all to do with just relaxing more at home and letting your defences down. I will just have to be patient…
It’s a weird thing rads because you lie there getting zapped and doesn’t seem like anything much. You get up walk away and all is okay. Then it creeps up on you and apparantly continues to do so for a few weeks afterwards.
There’s absolutely no shame in feeling tired or poorly. Look after yourself and I hope you have more energy soon. Elinda x
It got you in the End !!! Knew it would though, in one way or another, although you did keep it away for a while. I think mine started to get bad after I finished the rads and then got a bit worse. But now, 3 months and a bit post rads I am more or less back to normal. I have blips some days but nowhere as near as bad as before. Ive been driving, cleaning, shopping, decorating, went to my sons wedding (of course), gardening, and no end of things. It does end in time, really it does…take care, chris x
i did take time off work during rads(not had any sick leave for 6 years until my dx)-rested when i needed it-even if it was only a read.did my usual chores etc-then after it finished the fatigue kicked in big time-slept for 3 hours in the afternoons-got up then got back in bed pretty pronto-but this week feels much better-it does improve-best wishes to everyone-stella