Radiation & HMT

Mimi65: hi I’m new. I was diagnosed in Dec on my 65th BD. Had stage I ductal right breast, surgery in February where they found 2 different cancers in my left breast reduction tissue. I’m just 5 days post second surgery. Left breast cancers were so small the breast MRI didn’t see them, so very thankful I did the reduction. Same as right outcome. Clear margins and no node involvement. I have a doctor for each issue. Surgical oncologist with Plastic surgeon assisting in both surgeries and thankful. Medical Oncologist that will prescribe and monitor my hormone blocker when I start, and will be doing the bone scans, last Radiation Oncologist.

I’m concerned about being out on Letrozole which is why I plugged into this forum.
I am also going to push my start date for Radiation until July because I’m leaving on a 3 week trip to Europe and based on what I’ve heard would be bad to start before I get back.
Hoping to hear thoughts on both subjects.
My onco scores low and geno result indicate 0 precursors


They started me on Letrozole as soon as I was diagnosed and my surgeon said it would stop the tumour growing while I waited for my mastectomy op. I had 4 positive nodes on diagnosis but only 3 by the time of my op six weeks later. So talk to your oncologist to see if this would work for you too and keep things at bay while you holiday? Good luck xx

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Thank you. I am going to talk to her tomorrow. That will give me 2 months to figure out how to maneuver any side effects before I leave. I was only stage 1 and no Node involved on either side, so I’m so thankful for that

Welcome to the forum @mimi65

I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through, I hope you are able to get more clarity from talking to your oncologist. The forum is full of kind, helpful people and I hope you find the support you are looking for.

Please know that our nurses are here for you any time, here on the forum on the Ask our Nurses your questions or over the phone 0808 800 6000.

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