

I start my radiation treatment on Friday and I’m getting quite anxious about it. I think I was really brave and in the zone throughout the diagnosis and op etc but I’m dreading this! I can’t imagine being able to keep still for so long without getting panicky and wanting to jump up! lol. Has anyone else felt like this? 

Sending love to all of you going through this. It’s like being a member of a club you never wanted to join isn’t it! :slight_smile: x

Hi familytree and welcome to the BCC forms

I am sure others here will totally understand how you are feeling about starting radiotherapy and will be along soon to support you

Please also see our ‘Someone like me’ support service as you are able to talk to our volunteers who have undergone treatments and are here to support you via telephone or email:


Here’s a link to the radiotherapy information from BCC which I hope you will find helpful:


Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi, there really isn’t anything to worry about. I’m on no. 16 now, just 4 to go. The first one takes a bit longer but it usually takes no more than 10 minutes from start to finish. You will lie on a bed with your arms above your head. Then they line up the machine with your tattoos. Once that done they leave the room for a few minutes while the machine does it’s work. Sometimes another machine will take some images as well. The nurses are all very friendly and will explain what they are doing. My Appointments have been at 8.00 in the morning and I go to work straight from the hospital. I haven’t noticed any side effects. good luck for Friday, what hospital are you being treated at?

It really is a doddle after everything else familytree. Nothing to worry about, I just finished on Tuesday.

Loads of admiration Ruthie, no way I could work through it as totally exhausted.

Hi family tree! I started my rads on Tuesday and was really nervous - it’s not knowing what to expect. The first session took a little longer as they have to line you up. There really is nothing to worry about. Yesterday took a little longer as the remote control for the machine was playing up and my arms started to go a bit numb. I’m really tired at the moment - I think it’s Tamoxifen - I keep getting up in the night for the toilet several times and hot flushes keep me awake too! I’m going to work after my appointment tomorrow but am only working a couple of days a week at the moment - I’m going to see how it goes. I go on holiday 3 days after I finish my rads so will hopefully have time to recuperate. I have bought some factor 50 to take with me and a hat! Good luck - you will be fine!

Hi There is a great video on the Marsden website which explains about radiotherapy planning and shows the machines. Link to Marsden They also have a section showing the different types of radiotherapy machnes used.


Its really not scary at all.

I finished my radiotherapy two weeks ago and still a little sore I am going on a cruise to the med in two weeks and believe I can get sun tan lotion on prescription can anyone confirm this and if so which one is it xx

I was told to buy factor 50 for the treated side and that would do it? X

I’m just back from a week in menorca, finished rads 21 July. I used factor 50 on the affected area, also wore big hat and covered cleavage and shoulder with a light weight scarf. I tended to stay in the shade from 11am to 4pm! I went swimming in sea and pool, touch wood no I’ll effects so far! Worst thing for me was heat and hot flushes.