radio to brain !!!

Hi All, new to this !! brain whole head radio therepy (cant spell) just come through brain surgrey an add mission twice !! through brain leeky !!! anyone gone through this or going through !
1 when did loss hair ?
2 when did get it back ?
3 Did grow back through quickly ?
4 how did chilren cope ?
5 Kids what to tell them 12 girl and 16 boy


Hi Sophie

Breast Cancer Care have a booklet called ‘Talking to your children about breast cancer’. On page 16 there is a section about talking to teenagers which may be helpul. You can download a copy via the following link:-

Best wishes

Hi Sophie

Are you having cobalt if so will try and find out answers about hair loss from a friend who had it last year


Hi Crispy, i would be grateful, i no zaf malik said 10 days ! did she (friend) have operation (brain tumour removeral) and how many days radio did she have !
Colbat is where i have had radio before 3 times ! but on the chest wall and spine >>>>> i never really felt much 5 days but tried !
10 days seems alot ! does this to you or your friend !! how long for the hair to come through again and when did she have done ?
is she ok now ?

sorry for all the questions ? i find out so much on here it helps go through it all.

thanks again crispy

sophie x

Hi Sophie,

Just to let you know that the helpline is available if a chat with the nurses here would help you. They have a wealth of information and am sure would be able to answer some of the questions you have. The number is free phone 0808 800 6000 open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

I have answered this myself ! this will bring back to top !

hope you have some answers for me !
