Radiotheraphy and Work

Can anyone give any info on working during radiotherapy. I’m due to have a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy soon not sure yet how many sessions have stage 3 bc with lymph node removal. I’ve been able to work during chemo and wanted to carry on if possible during radiiotheraphy if I can. I know everyone’s reactions are different but any info would be of help.

Hi Lozza

In addition to the replies you will soon have here you are welcome to call our helpline to talk through any concerns you may have. Lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Here’s the link to the BCC radiotherapy publication which you may find useful:

Best wishes


Hi Lozza
I worked through chemo too but actually didnt through Rads only because my appointments were all over the place time wise and I found after the first few they were NEVER on time I sat some days for nearly 3 hours so gave up working for the 3 weeks I was having them. But would say iof your hospital keep to time then rads are a doddle compared to chemo and if you worked through that you should be fine. Just get lots of aqueous cream in to slather on afterwards.
Hope this helps

Jill x

Hi Lozza - I worked right through rads - no problems until the last couple of weeks or so when I got a bit tired and sore. Because I was working they set my appointments up for the end of the day. Agree with Jill - rads are a doddle compared to chemo!!

Hi Lozza…I worked through chemo and rads, and although I did get a bit tired and sore by the end (had 23) I was fine. As others have said, really depends on distance from hospital and appt times. My hospital was 5 mins from work on way home and I asked for late appts as I finish at 4.30. The machine only broke down a couple of times whenI had to wait an hour or so, but mostly was in and out within 15 to 20 minutes. Also depends on how you feel after you op? Hope that helps?

I found I got too tired to work through rads.

on the whole my appointments were at the same time, but generally around 1 or 2 pm so right in the middle of the day.

southampton were usually running late, but mostly just 20 mins or so. One or two waits were longer.

As someone else has said, it depends on your working hours and the distance to travel for rads. I did work through chemo, although looking back it was a bad idea, and when it came to rads I carried on. Worked in the morning and then an hour’s drive each way to rads. By the end of the 3 weeks I was driving back in tears, I was so tired.
I know by keep working you keep a semblance of normal life, I wouldn’t do that again. Listen to your body, is my best advice, but I would recommend having some time off. Your body has taken a beating (your mind too) and needs some time to recover.
Don’t overdo it.

Thanks for all your comments been a great help to know how you all coped and as you say Mal will listen to my body and definitely wont overdo it.