Radiotherapy and immunotherapy

Hi all,

I am currently half way through FECT chemo and then due radiotherapy at the end of it.

However, I have been told I have suspect areas on the liver and that this is in line with B.C. spread.

I am due to have a mid and end point CT scAn to see what is going on with it all

I have just read an article about there being some new progress in combining the two treatments and it attacking distant tumour cells…

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of this?

I would like to be asking for as much as possible in order to hit this thing hard…

All advice very welcome, I am still really in shock to be honest and really wish they had saved this news till the end of chemo…



Thanks xxx


Cyber hugs x



Hi Leo, 

I am very sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time. I am sure some of our users will be along soon to show their support.

In the meantime please do call ourhelpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about your concerns and offer a friendly ear.

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Best wishes,
