Hi - I am posting this on my friends behalf. She is due to staart radiotherapy soon at the Queen Elizabeth. She lives in South Yardey and has 2 kiddies in primary school. Her journey would involve a train and a bus ride and she is worrying about being home on time for the wee ones.
When I had rads there was a charity run support group of volunteer drivers who would come to your house and pick you up (and maybe 1 other in the immediate area), wait while you had rads and take you home again. Unfortunately I live 350 miles from Birmingham and dont know if such a group exists in this area.
I am hoping some of you guys can help me out with info - I’d love to be able to tell her some good news for a change…
Hi - i am not going to be much help but in my area, the red cross are the ones to get in touch with re volunteer drivers.
My rads were often delayed by them having to take patients from the wards etc and you cant guarantee getting out in time, so she might be best having someone to pick up the bairns as well if she can manage it?
wish her all the best please, biddy
sorry your friend is having a hard time. there is a support group called Breast Friends, i don’t know if they would be able to help, they are on the web if you google it. they have 2 groups one in solihull and the other in sutton coldfield.
there is also help available at the QE, if she rings up the Patrick Room, they may be able to help. When i was going last September and October I think you could get transport from the hospital. May be if she tells the Radiotherapy department of her problems they could try and give her appointments which would mean she would be home for the children. i had mine mostly in the mornings, just a couple in the afternoon. had another thought, perhaps it might be cheaper to use a taxi?
Hi Alimo2,
This is the first time i’ve used this site, and was amazed to read about your friend as we have alot in common. I too live in South Yardley, and have two young children at primary school. I had WLE in October, then 4 lots of FEC and am due to start Taxotere on Friday, after that I have 4 weeks of radiotherapy at the QE.
I hope your friend gets help with the transport, and that she is starting to feel better now all the horrible chemo is over.
I’m from the Dudley area and my local Cancer Support Group have extremely helpful for support, counselling and have offered some assistance with transport to and from New Cross Hospital for my radiotherapy treatment. They are voluntary drivers and been CRB checked etc. It might be worth your friend seeing if she has a Cancer Support Group in her area (she’ll need to register with them) and to ask the QE if they offer some transport support. New Cross have given me mid morning appointments to fit in with the drivers and hopefully I’ll be home in time for my daughter.
I’m facing the fact that these days I can’t be too proud and as a non driver with family out of the Borough I’m seeking help, advice and support from anywhere to which I will be eternally grateful.
Good luck
Milli aged 43