Hi. Having extolled the virtues of going private, I have now had two sessions cancelled because there is a malfunction with the doors to the treatment room!! They are having to send someone from the USA ?? to fix this. Does anyone know if this will affect my final outcome? New sessions will be offered including Saturdays .
Well I had chemo before but they stopped the chemo because of low blood counts anyway - I started the rads early BUT if I had not started and finished by Christmas they were not going to start me until after New Year. They said that they must not interrupt your treatment drastically or they would be back to square one. Christmas this year falls on the weekend so extra weekdays are now Bank Holidays, hence by the time you had the Saturday,Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off then the following Saturday, Sunday and Monday for New Year that would be too much interruption.
I have started already so will be done by Christmas.