radiotherapy - cream I found to be really helpful

Hi, I have just finished my 15 day radiotherapy and sailed through it. I just wanted to tell you about some cream that I found which was a tremendous help. It is called 7cream and is a homoeopathic cream developed by a doctor in Canada. This doctor has developed this cream specifically for radiation burns - if you google 7cream you can read all about it. All I can say is that it has been a tremendous help -it’s not cheap about £15 a tube and I am onto my third which will see me finally done and dusted. I got it from a company called Helios homoeopathy - their telephone number is 01892537254 or you can just visit their website. My skin is great and just used simple soap/aqueous cream in the shower.
Hope this helps.


Thanks for that tip. I am due to start my radiotherapy in July. I assume you put it on after treatment & not before. How did you find fatigue levels? I am hoping to drive myself. It’s an hour each way.


Hi Twinky68
I am nearly at the end of my rads just 3 left will of had 15 in all, I was advised to use Aloe Vera 99.9% from Holland and Barrett.I also brought pure Olive Oil soap I am using it to wash in, again from the same place. I use iAloe in the morning after a shower and that is before my rads and again at night. My skin is soft, I have not blistered just a little spotty but I do suffer from prickly heat so its just like that.
I have suffered from some fatigue but only the last 4-5 sessions, I do drive myself to my appointments and although the hospital is only 14 miles away it is a 2hr round trip. I find once I am home that is when I feel really tired.
I just keep reminding myself I am nearly there and the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight.
Good like with your rads,I hope this is of some help to you. x

HI Twinky,
First time around I had 25 rads, and second time only 5. I only used E45 cream on my skin. I was told to be careful with Aloe Vera as Minx50 mentionned, it had to be 99.9%. I was very anxious prior to rads as I very easily get sun burnt but I only got a bit red and sore towards the very end of my sessions. As the rads continue to work for two weeks after your last session, you need to keep an eye on your skin well after you have been discharged.
Take care and we must do lunch at some stage. XXX

Twinks. I just slapped on the aqueous cream at night thickly and wore a cotton tee shirt. So it had soaked in by morning. I took 75 mg aspirin to stop inflammation (which they thought would occur because I had a three week cycle. ) Not even one day of pinkness occurred . Do be careful that there is NO lanolin in the cream you use. Most oncology depts recommend aqueous for a reason . It has few reactions, it helps and is cheap…lecture over…i wouldn’t waste money unless you can’t take aqueous on your skin , which would be rare. Use it for a good nosh at the end!!!
I drove myself …no problems. I had lots of offers but enjoyed the freedom after chemo etc.
Cackles xxx

Hi Twinky
I “washed” with aqueous cream in the shower and used E45 and Aloe Vera (H&B 99.9%) during six weeks of rads. Only area of problem was the supra-clavicular area where I had booster doses, but that was fine within a week. If you have your supra-clavicular area done it goes through to your back so treat that area too. Re tiredness -I got myself there and back everyday without a problem but at the end of it all I was knackered. Took a few weeks to get back on track.
All the best with your rads- may your side effects be few. xx

Did you not ask your doctor if you could have it on prescription?