Radiotherapy creams

Hi, I’m due to start my radiotherapy in a weeks and a half. I’ve been using Aveeno so far but a couple of people have recommended some different creams that they have used for sore areas after the treatment. They are Epiderm and Biafine emulsion. Wondered if anyone has used either of these and how you found them. Thanks 

Hi Minnie

I used (and still use) Aqueous which the hospital gave me but you can buy cheaply on Amazon. My GP prescribed Epiderm as a cream for showering as I was getting dryness. It’s a fair bit thicker and less absorbent. Lots of people swear by E45 lotion and Aveeno, which are well absorbed like Aqueous. Just make sure your cream does not contain any kind of oil - that’s the culprit in radiotherapy. Having some Aloe Vera to hand can help if you suffer itching or need soothing.

Good luck with the radiotherapy and moisturise, moisturise, moisturise xx

First day for treatment I was given a huge tube of Flamigel by the radiographers and half way thru was given another. It’s quite oily but it’s the one they recommended at the Freeman in Newcastle.