I thought I’d got away lightly with radiotherapy - 5 sessions plus 3 boost sessions. This last week (5 months on) I have developed a band of fibrosed tissue underneath my affected breast. On closer examination I have bands of tissue basically outlining what was the radiotherapy target area. It is really painful and feels as if I’ve pulled a muscle in my side. It is agony to cough or sneeze and I can’t sleep on that side. I have transferred care since radiotherapy so have no radiotherapy contacts in Somerset. Just when I thought life might be resuming some normality. Any advice ladies?
Keep exercising. I developed a cord after slacking off at the gym for 2 weeks over xmas, did a stretch after a hot shower and snapped it - very painful. Could move better after though, so now I stretch daily and dont miss a week at the gym. If its more the tissues within the breast, I massage twice a day to break down the thickened orange-peel skin that developed. 6 months on for me, I still get differing symptoms, sometimes pins and needles in hand, or general arm acheyness ( no arm oedema, just breast). I did have 19 fractions in all, so more than youself in total. Todays new one, while busy at work, was a burning sensation where the tumour was. Every day can bring something new. Radiotherapy is the gift that keeps on giving, yet literature about it tends to play down long term effects to my mind.
If you go and see your GP you should be able to get a referral to where your nearest radiotherapy department is. Good luck. X
Give your breast care nurse or team a call - assuming you have one - you don’t need specific contacts
I’m seeing an onc. physio later this month as my cording is playing. Big thank you for the description of your symptoms as that’s what I’ve recently developed (couldn’t really explain it til I read your post), which was the reason I called my BCN and she requested the appointment for me.
Glad my description helped! Contacted my oncology nurse and she’s contacting the radiotherapy late effects team for me. Hope all goes well for you