Radiotherapy in June

Hi is anyone starting radiotherapy in June.
My 5 days start on the 5th of June and was wondering if anyone else was starting treatment then

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Hi, I’m hoping to start my radiotherapy in June. Had the scan done on 2nd May and told hopefully hear from them within the next three weeks with a start date.

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Hi, just got a phone call this afternoon to say my radiotherapy starts on Tuesday 21st May. I’m having 9 sessions in total. Just want it over and done with but nervous about it also.

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I finished radiotherapy two weeks ago . Honestly I didn’t find the experience too bad although I hated having a different team of radiographers every single time - the room is very cold because of the equipment , probably worse as I went first at 8 am every day . I’m feeling very tired now . I have very sensitive skin but my skin has been fine and only gone a little bit darker . I did get a weird metallic taste in my mouth and went off some foods . All in all easier than I thought.
I hope you all have an okay time . Hang on in there.


Hi @tash150,

I’ve got my CT planning apt tomorrow and start Radiotherapy on the 6th June. I’m having 15 sessions as far as I’m aware. Not looking forward to tomorrow, scanxiety is hovering tonight. I bought some Aloe Vera gel and Moo Goo moisturiser (recommended by a a fellow BC friend). Nervous now, think I preferred surgery.

I start my 5 days tomorrow . Expecting to be tired :cry:

I had mine last week. Expect to be about an hour . They weigh and measure you , go through your medical history . then you go through to CT. They position you and then the machine does its thing . I had to practice breath hold, even though it’s my right side . Then you get 3 tattoos :see_no_evil:. Like a ballpoint pen mark. I start my 5 sessions tomorrow . Hope it goes okay x

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I had my first session today annoyingly they gave me the timetable for my treatments and I had thought it was 15 sessions delivered mon-Fri for 3 weeks at 8am. The timetable spreads it over 4 weeks and not all consecutive days or even times lol my calendar is in chaos again something that I have become quite used to! Todays session was fine a bit of a sore arm but otherwise fine :+1:

Hi everyone. My sessions start on the 20th June. I had my CT scan and tattoo dots on Tuesday. I took have to do the breath holding, but that’s fine.

I also started talking Anastrazole 10 days ago. All has been fine until the last couple of days. I’ve had headaches and nausea and now stomach cramps. Hoping it’s a bug and not side affects, or if it is side affects hope they lessen Doon.

Good luck everyone

Hi, I finished my 5 on the 14th (4+1 with a weekend break). I immediately had redness and tenderness which worsened over session 2 and 3 then remained the same and settling down since. I panicked as everything I’d read and been told was that it happened 7-10 days in but at my phone review on day 4 the oncology nurse said that they are seeing it more often with the accelerated doses. The information prior to starting would have saved me a lot of stressing that something was wrong. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly x

I’ve had 2 out of 5 today . Number 3 tomorrow with a break for bank holiday .
It’s a tiny bit pink today but my skin was well moisturised as I’d had a dressing reaction so been on steroid cream . Had to add lots of moisture to this .

That could be the Anastrazole . I’m on week 6, I changed mine to take it at night as it made me nauseous .
I get a few headaches but could be stress of radiotherapy .

Thanks klf. Good luck with your remaining sessions and have a lovely bank holiday.

Thank you , you too xx