Radiotherapy nakedness!

Hi all

Ok so I know this is stupid, but I am freaking out at the thought of being naked from the waist up during radiotherapy. I have got gradually used to getting the ‘bad’ one out, but the thought of lying there with my arms behind my head with everything hanging out is making me feel dreadful. My sister in law went to the same hospital as me for her radiotherapy and the team was all men. I’ve heard some stories that you are given a gown but other people have said you are literally just naked from the waist up. I’ve always had body issues and hate my boobs…I don’t know how I am going to cope, especially if the radiologists are men. I know this is irrational and I know they will have seen it all before and I know at 47 I shouldn’t be so bothered about such things…but it’s stressing me to death. Was just wondering what other people’s experiences are? Is the non-treated side covered up during treatment?


Hi there
Not going to lie , first few sessions for me were awkward

I was aligned half naked and sometimes “put in position” by the radiographer

But I was made to feel v comfortable & you really do end up chatting about the weather & weekend plans

My hospt then put the gown back over me when treatment started

I did 19 sessions

After chemo this felt like a breeze

Good luck x

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I’ve just rang up and requested a female team…I feel like such an idiot.

I’ve just finished chemo and didn’t get myself anywhere near as worked up about that as I am about this…I know it’s stupid :grimacing:

Thanks for the heads up, much appreciated :blush:


When I had rads there were always two people in there getting you in position, always young women in my case. The getting in position takes much longer than the treatment itself which doesn’t last for much more than a minute each time. They have to have you bare when lining you up so that they can see the tattoos but they generally covered up the boob that wasn’t being treated. I was given a gown and a blue slider thing that your butt goes on and which helps them move you around and I had to take both home after each session and bring it back in with me - I don’t know how usual this is in other HAs. I was 67 at the time so any thought of modesty had long gone by then! But I’m sure they will be as considerate as they can be to your wishes as long as the process isn’t interfered with.

Hi sharlou, I understand how you are feeling. I got undressed in a cubicle. They gave me a paper sheet to place over myself to walk over to the machine and lie down. Yes, this was removed as I was positioned and they could line things up with the tattoos. The did cover me back up before they left to do the treatment. I was able to use this same cover to go back and get dressed again.
It is a bit embarrassing, but just think what you have been through already. I had 5 sessions. 4 sessions were female staff, but one had a male radiotherapist. Male or female - they are extremely professional and will make you at ease throughout.
Best wishes x

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I have just had my fifth session. The first one was 2 men, so I did feel a little vulnerable. I had one of the same men on my second and he actually pulled the gown up to cover the other boob up once they had lined me up. I have had female staff subsequently, which I do prefer, but everyone has been very professional, and really it doesn’t take long. I have noticed that there are an awful lot of ladies having radiotherapy because of breast cancer.

Oh I hope it will be much more comfortable than you think atm. You will get used to it and I’m sure the team will do their best to make you feel comfortable. I finished radio nearly 4 years ago but do remember that I quickly felt like I’d take my top off anywhere and just didn’t care. It’ll soon be over.

You are not an idiot. It’s totally understandable that you might be feeling self conscious. I was going to suggest you ring your team and tell them so I’m glad you have.
When are you starting radiotherapy?
I’m starting January 29th.
Wishing you all the best xx

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Thank you everyone, now that I know I’ll have a female team I feel loads better.

@jayesse not sure when I will start! Should find out on Friday, I suspect 20th or 27th…20th is only 2.5 weeks since chemo finished so may be more likely to be 27th. Best of luck with yours!

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Yes I agree with everyone here the radiographers do everything to help you feel comfortable and in my experience they covered the good boob as soon as they could. I had 2 at each session and mixture of men and women. They were all professional, some were more friendly than others but they are so used to doing this every day they don’t think anything of boobs on show!

My daughter is actually a radiographer and she agrees with me.
Good luck and lots of love


Thank you :slight_smile: I think if I was ‘normal’ about my body I wouldn’t struggle so much, but I have major issues about my boobs, I’ve always hated them. Even my husband doesn’t see them. So the thought of lying there with them just hanging about just stresses me to death. I know the radiographers will have seen all sorts but I just can’t get past my body issues. It will be much easier with women radiographers though :slight_smile:

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I had a male included with the planning, and one of my treatments. They really were professional and made every effort to be considerate.

What put me off, was no doors at my hospital! Patients are brought from the waiting area into restricted area (although the entrance was always open) and led down a corridor to the RT machine. At which point asked to remove upper clothing and jump on the bed. No door to close en route! The corridor is manned, and twisted in a way that you can not look in, but still felt odd.

They’ve seen it all before, and in my mind the treatment is more important than a bit of embarrassment. I’m sure you will be fine once you get there and you’ll be focused on getting the job done X

100% with you. I was horrified at the thought. Was just getting used to my new body then had to lie topless in front of strangers for 3 weeks.
I asked if it would be females & i think the poor coordinator could sense my anxiety & told me she’d sort it that it would be.

I was Greater Glasgow & clyde. No gown, just a bit of paper. Seemed to be the same 5 or 6 women so i got used to it.

Dont feel bad for asking for females. I wish you all the very best. It does get better x

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Hi @sharlou

When I went for radiotherapy I wore a crop top style bra which I kept on. I took my top clothing off but walked to the machine with it on. When I went to lay down I slipped the straps down but was still covered while they were doing stuff and then when getting lined up and treated pushed it down by my waist so I wasn’t uncovered for very long. As soon as they said it was done I pulled it back up over my boobs so I was pretty much covered when they came to get the block thing off my chest and slipped the straps back on when I got off the table. x

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I totally empathise with you
I am a retired nurse. But this statement that the radiographer has ‘seen it all before’ is not relevant and is tremendously patronising
It’s about how you feel. I too had 2 male radiographers on one occasion and thought that there is no other occasion when a female chaperone is not present. I felt so vulnerable
I wish you well


There’s no doubt it does make you feel rather vulnerable and exposed . You do tend to see the same radiographers most days though which helps,I had a lovely male student radiographer who was very funny and made me feel comfortable more so than some of the female staff .
I have very large boobs which they deemed “ too floppy “ so when I lay down they ended up under my arm pits :flushed: so they decided to “ customise “ my bra by cutting holes in it to keep the markers visible but also keep my boobs in place . I always knew it was my turn next as they ceremonially carried the bra through to the treatment room in anticipation !!! On one of the days the machine broke down just after they had got me lined up , they asked me to keep still while a maintenance man came and fiddled with it , don’t worry he’s used to working on machines with people in all sorts of positions the nurse told me and to be fair he didn’t even seem to notice that I was there !!! At the end of rads I burnt the bra in a bbq in the garden whilst drinking abotyle of bubbly !!
Best of luck with your sessions .


Oh my word!!! There is no way I could have lay there with a maintenance man working on the machine, I’d have ran a mile!


It was during one of the first sessions which take longer and they had taken 15 mins to get me in the right position , I was very tempted to run away screaming but didn’t want to go through the whole carry on again so gritted my teeth and waited it out !!! One of the most surreal experiences ever !!

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For my radiotherapy sessions I was given a gown to wear that had various Velcro sections on. It meant only the boob being radiated needed to be exposed and it was really quick and easy to cover up as soon as the session was done. I had a mixed team of radiographers, but could have requested all females if I wanted.

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Hello dear, I know exactly what you mean. I was feeling a little like you and I was going for 15 of radio. Yes sometimes I got men and sometimes I got ladies and sometimes it was both but you know what, they were all the same: so thankful it was not them who was diagnosed or their loved one and was so concerned that I was comfortable and not hurting etc. They were discreet and I was always naked from the waist up but never once was I made to feel embarrassed or awkward. They were all excellent.
You must remember they are doing perhaps about 40 a day 5 days a week and they are trained for the job. They are not seeing anything new. Believe me, they have seen it all before. Can you image men going for radio - or ladies, and it is in more intimate areas? Now that would frighten me off.
Don’t let it worry you dear. You will be love and treated with respect.

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